Arrived in Munich / Stigla u Minhen

I love Stockholm Airport just because they have these buggies you can borrow without having to call the company and ask for a buggy 3 weeks in advance. Very practical 🙂 Luckily my father helped us out with the luggage.

Inace volim Stockholmski aerodrom samo zato sto se tamo mogu pozajmiti djecija kolica bez da 3 sedmice prije moras zvati aviokompaniju da narucis obicna kolica. Jako prakticno 🙂 Srecom mi je tata pomogao sa prtljagom.

Before boarding the plane I managed to take a photo of my daughter where it looks like her eye squints :P.


Prije ulaska u avion sam uspijela Adu uslikati tako da izgleda kao da su joj krive oci 😛

In the air I had a screaming monster in my knee for the first hour, but afterwards I had a cute (=sleeping) little baby

Na putu sam prvih sat vremena imala malo deriste, ali poslije sat se pretvorila u slatku (=spavajucu) malu bebu.

And finally Ada and me arrived at the Munich airport..:D  (it is written in arabic because there are a lot of veeery rich arabic tourists coming)


I napokon smo Ada i ja stigle na minhenski aerodrom…:D (a ovo je na arapskom Pisano jer imaju jako puno vrlooo bogatih arapski turista)



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