Vecer sa prijateljima/ Evening with friends

Today was quite a productive day.  I met a friend and we were working with our small little project at the place we always meet, feeling like some kind of important chicks with our computers, which was quite fun.  I also realized that my computer soon will end at a wall somewhere or  it will meet Mr. Format C… I guess the latter one is cheaper…

In the evening we had visit from my first munich friend Zahida . My second day in Germany, we met in Aldi. I didn´t speak German, and no one spoke English so I heard a woman talk Bosnian to her daughter and I approached. She invited me for a coffee and we became friends. Here Zahida, her daughter and Ada are inspecting the new toy and trying on the new jacket. Thank you for your nice gifts 🙂

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Danas sam imala relativno produktivan dan. Srela sam prijateljicu i radile smo na nasem malom projektu u ”nasem” kaficu i osjecale smo se kao neke biznis zene sa kompjuterima. Bio je to pomalo smijesan osjecaj. Isto sam shvatila da ce moj kompjuter jos malo zavrsiti razvaljen od zid ili ce sresti mr. Format C… pretpostavljam da ce  prije to biti jer je jeftinije…

Navecer smo imali posjetu od moje prve minhenske prijateljice, Zahide. Drugi dan nakon dolaska u Minhen sam je srela u Aldiju. Nisam pricala njemacki, niko drugi nije pricao engleski i cula sam zenu kako prica bosanski sa kcerkom i tako sam joj prisla. Ona me pozvala na kafu (veceru) i tako vremenom smo postale prijateljice. Ovdje Zahida sa svojom kcerkom i Adom kontrolisu Adinu novu igracku i Ada probava novu jaknu. Hvala na poklonima 🙂

Nisam mogla odoliti da kupim ovu slatku haljinicu 🙂
Couldn´t resist but to buy this cute little dress 🙂



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