Meeting old friends/ Susret sa starom prijateljicom

There is this special thing meeting people from your childhood. I finally managed to meet Sandra. Amazingly, she looks (almost) the same as she did 12-13 years ago,  No wrinkles, nothing. Quite impressive 🙂 Sandra is traveling a lot (she works in a turistic agency), so it was very inspiring to hear about all the places she visited. Can´t wait to meet again and  I definitely want to go somewhere new now 🙂2014-10-30 18.38.08-2


Ima nesto posebno kad sretnem  osobe s kojima sam odrastala. Napokon, sam uspijela sresti Sandru. Nevjerovatno, ali (skoro) isto izgleda kao prije 12-13 godina kad smo se zadnji put srele. Nikave bore, nista. Da ne povjeruje covjek 🙂 Sandra inace jako puno putuje (radi u turistickoj agenciji) tako da mi je dala puno inspiracije i nove volje da nesto novo vidim. I jedva cekam da se ponovo vidimo 🙂






Den svenska sjukvården är ett skämt…

Idag, hade vi en bokad tid till barnläkaren.  Väl framme på Karolinska sjukhuset ( Flemingsberg) märker jag att skyltningen är minst sagt usel. Antingen ska man ha väldigt mycket tid på sig för att lunka runt och hitta det man söker ELLER så får man ha tur och träffa någon (tålmodig) student som agerar vägvisare den 75.e gången den dagen. Man måste gå igenom hela universitetskomplexet och halva sjukhuset för att komma fram till huvudentrén och informationen (?)… En av skyltarna som fanns vid hissen visar antagligen avdelningarna. … men vilka avdelningarna är står det inget om…2014-10-30 09.48.52-1















Vidare kommer vi till barnläkaren (en snäll en), som gör en vanlig läkarkontroll (mäta blodtryck, vikt, längd). Jag märker att doktorn är färdig och frågar vad som hände med ultraljudskontrollen (det är ju för den vi kom dit).  Barnläkaren svarar att i Sverige så får barnläkare inte göra dem här undersökningarna, för det måste göras av röntgenläkarna (?). Min hjärna tar inte in detta, då detta är en helt vanlig ultraljudskontroll som varenda barnläkare i Tyskland gör. Läkaren ser att vi fått en remisstid i november (?). Jag frågade om vi kan få undersökningen idag. Den tar 10 min. Men nej, röntgenavdelningen är fullbokad…

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Karolinska är det sämsta sjukhuset jag har sett vad gäller skyltning. Pinsamt…
Att skicka en remiss till specialister för att de ska ta blodtryck och blodprov istället för att ta hand om svårt sjuka barn är en skymf mot alla sjuka barn och mot läkarkåren i sig. Det är extremt ineffektivt att specialister utför det arbete som en vanlig sjuksköterska kan göra på en vårdcentral. Alla förlorar på detta. Det konstigaste av allt tyckte jag ( förmodligen en kulturkrock Tyskland-Sverige) är att patienterna sitter där tysta utan att klaga ?? Vad har hänt med Sverige de senaste 10 åren???

Positivt: den störta ambulansen jag har sett. Väldigt cool… 🙂

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och ultraljudsundersökningen, någon “lämnade återbud” så vi fick den gjord ändå 😉 Tack snälla läkare…

Jonas Salk: The Man Who Saved the Children

Today would be the 100th. birthday of Dr. Jonas Salk, the medical researcher and the virologist that came up with the polio vaccine, saving thousands of lives. He didn´t even patent it, which is quite amazing…(article)

Danas bi bio 100.i rodjendan Dr. Jonasa Salka, medicinskog naucnika i virologista koji je izumio polio vakcinu i sa tim je spasio hiljade zivota. A nije ni patentirao ovo djelo, sto je danas prosto ne shvatljivo… (clanak)

Butterfly house/ Kuca leptira

This summer I promised my niece that we will go to the butterfly house in Hagaparken in Stockholm. Finally, today we managed actually to go there. Inside  we could enjoy a quite unique experience among butterflies flying freely around in an exotic tropical environment. We also enjoyed a truly breathtaking view of sharks in the Haga Ocean Aquarium.

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2014-10-26 14.10.24

2014-10-26 13.49.18Ovog ljeta sam obećala svojoj nećakinji da ćemo ići u kuću leptira u Haga parku u Stockholmu. Danas smo napokon uspjeli otici tamo. Unutra smo uživali u jedinstvenom iskustvo leptira koji lete slobodno uokolo u egzotičnom tropskom okruženju. Također smo uživali u zaista prekrasnom pogledu ajkula u Haga Ocean Akvarijumu.

Alone together/ Zajedno a same

Today, I caught myself in a moment that was very short but so intense. I got overwhelmed of a sad feeling. So what happened? I was playing with my daughter, which should be THE moment. We were playing on the floor so there was nothing dangerous around, like water, heavy things or so. She should have my full attention. Should… but she didn´t. I caught her watching me confused and sad, and my heart was ripped apart. Why? My baby was competing in attention against my cell phone. A cell phone–. Because there was something so important I couldn´t check it later…Not really.

I read now that 2-year old children has a significant worsened ability to learn words, if the child was disturbed by the phone signal in the moment when it was supposed to learn that word and the parent answered the call.

Further researcher Eva Hoff studied children’s creativity and says that when children play passively with phones they let themselves be entertained reducing their own ability to think and govern themselves. And because kids do what parents do, there is a risk that children who take after parents cell phone use get passivated. Children do not exercise on solving problems and they do not have imagination which may lead to a generation having more difficulties as adults to find solutions to problems. They expect there to be a machine where they can press a button and everything dissolves – or that they can escape from boredom in this way and do not care to get involved, says Eva Hoff.

Horror, so I decided from now on when I play with my daughter, my cell phone will be standing on the shelf..

Uhvati se danas u momentu koji je bio vrlo kratak, ali jako intenzivan. Preplavio me tužan osjećaj. Igrala sam se sa kćerkom, što bi trebalo biti nesto posebno. Igrale smo se na podu, tako da nije bilo ništa opasno poput vode, teški stvari ili tako nešto, tu. kćerka je trebala imati moju punu pažnju. … ali nije. Vidjela sam kako me zbunjeno i tužno gleda, i moje srce se paralo. Zašto? Pa moja beba se takmici o pažnju protiv jednog mobilnog telefona. Je li bilo nešto toliko važno da nisam mogla kasnije provjeriti … Ne baš.
Pročitala sam da djeca od 2. godine imaju znatno pogoršane sposobnost učenja riječi, ako se dijete uznemiri od telefonskog signala u trenutku kada je trebalo da nauči tu riječ a da su roditelj odgovorili na poziv.

Dalje istraživač Eva Hoff proučava dječju kreativnosti i smatra da kada se djeca igraju pasivno sa telefonima dopuste da ih telefon zabavlja i samim tim smanje vlastite sposobnosti da misle i upravljaju sami sebe. Djeca rade ono što roditelji rade, i zato postoji opasnost da djeca koja oponasaju roditelje i njihov nacin koristenja mobilnog telefona postanu pasivna. Djeca ne vjezbaju rješavanje problema i nemaju mašte, sto može dovesti do toga da citave generacije imaju poteškoća da kao odrasli pronađu rješenja za razne probleme. Oni očekuju da postoji stroj gdje mogu pritisnuti dugme i sve se rijesi – ili da mogu pobjeći od dosade na ovaj način a i ne zanima ih da se uključe u drustveni zivot, kaže Eva Hoff.
Horor, odlučila sam da od sada kad se igram kćerkom stavim mobilni telefon sa strane na polici ..

Thinking as a millionaire? / Razmisljate li kao milioner?

Surfing around the internet I came to a page about the book “How Rich People Think” that caught my attention. It was about Steve Siebold that has met and interviewed hundreds of millionaires trying to understand the way they are thinking in comparison to average earning people. According to the website in his book “How Rich People Think” he teaches how to think, to copy, to take measures and become rich.  Here is the substance of his book:

An average person…

  1. believes that money is the root of everything evil. Rich people believe that poverty is the root of evil.
  2. believes that egoism is a burden. Rich people believe egoism is a virtue.
  3. has a mentality based on coincidence. Rich people have a mind based on acting.
  4. believes that the way to a fortune is based on official education. Rich people believe in acquiring specific knowledge.
  5. long for the good old days. Rich people dream about the future.
  6. think of money in an emotional way. Rich people think of money in a logic way.
  7. earns money doing things he/she doesn´t love. Rich people follow their passion
  8. has low expectations to avoid getting disappointed. Rich people prepare for a challenge.
  9. believes that one has to DO something to become rich. Rich people believe that one has to BECOME someone to get rich.
  10. believes that one has to have money to earn money. Rich people use money of other people.
  11. believes that the market is run by logic or strategy. Rich people know that the market is driven by emotions and greediness.
  12. spends more then what he has. Rich people spend less than they have.
  13. teaches the children how to survive. Rich people teach their children how to become rich.
  14. get stressed of money. Rich people find safety and peace in the fortune
  15. prefers rather to be entertained then educated. Rich people get rather educated then entertained.
  16. believe that rich people are snobs. Rich people simply want to be around congenial people
  17. focuses on saving the money. Rich people focus on earning money
  18. takes only few economic risks. Rich people know when the time has come to take the risk.
  19. loves to feel comfortable. Rich people find comfort in the insecurity
  20. never makes a connection between money and health. Rich people know that money can save your life.
  21. believes that they must choose between having a good family and being rich. Rich people know they can get everything.

And? Are you thinking as a millioner? 😉joakim-von-ankaCitajuci stranice na internetu, naidjoh na stranicu o knjizi “How Rich People Think”- u prevodu “Kako Bogati Ljudi Razmisljaju” od Steve Siebolda. Steve Siebold je sreo i intervjuisao nekoliko stotina milionera s ciljem da skonta kako to milioneri razmisljaju u poredjenju sa prosjecno zaradjujucim ljudima. Strategija knjige je da nauci kako razmisljati, kopirati i kako poduzeti mjere da postanete bogati. Prezentiram vam srz knjige:

Prosjecne osobe…

  1. vjeruju da je novac izvor zla. Bogati vjeruju da je siromastvo izvor zla.
  2. vjeuruju da je egoizam teret. Bogati vjeruju da je egoizam vrlina.
  3. vjeruju u slucajnost. Bogati vjeruju u poduzetnost.
  4. vjeruju da je put do bogatstva osnovan na oficijalno skolovanje. Bogati vjeruju u postizanju specificnog znanja.
  5. ceznu starim dobrim danima. Bogati sanjaju o buducnosti.
  6. razmisljaju o parama na jednom emocionalnom nacinu. Bogati razmisljaju o parama na logican nacin.
  7. zaradjuju pare radeci poslove koje ne vole. Bogati prate svoju strast.
  8. imaju niska ocekivanja da bi izbjegli razocarenja. Bogati se pripreme na izazov.
  9. smatraju da trebaju nesto uraditi da bi postigli bogatstvo. Bogati vjeruju da moraju postati neko i nesto da bi postali bogati.
  10. vjeruju da trebaju imati novac da bi mogli zaraditi novac. Bogati koriste novac drugih.
  11. vjeruju da logika i strategija upravlja trzistem. Bogati znaju da se trziste upravlja emocijama i pohlepom.
  12. trose vise nego sto imaju. Bogati trose manje nego sto imaju.
  13. uce djecu da prezive. Bogati uce djecu da postanu bogati.
  14. postanu napeti/stresani zbog para. Bogati nalaze sigurnost i mir u bogatstvu
  15. radije budu zabavljani nego educirani. Bogati se radije educiraju nego zabavljanju
  16. vjeruju da su bogatasi snobovi. Bogati jednostvano hoce da budu u krugu slicnih ljudi.
  17. se fokusiraju na stednji novca. Bogati se fokusiraju na zaradjivanju novca.
  18. uzimaju jako malo ekonomskih rizika. Bogati znaju kad je vrijeme da uzimaju rizik.
  19. vole osjecaj udobnost. Bogati se traze utjehu u nesigurnosti.
  20. nikad ne prave vezu izmedju novca i zdravlja. Bogati znaju da novac moze spasiti zivot.
  21. vjeruju da moraju izabrati izmedju familije i biti bogat. Bogati znaju da sve mogu dobiti

I? Razmisljate li kao milioner 😉

picture taken from Högre inkomst nu


Meeting old friends/ Susret sa starim prijateljima

Having a child makes the time fly away. All the things I planned are forgotten and all the friends I was supposed to meet shortly after birth got “postponed”. Finally, though I got the chance to meet my dear friend Selma. She has twins(!!) and it is for me an enigma how she deals with two babys in the same time…Respect 🙂


otkad imam dijete vrijeme (pro)leti. Sve stvari koje sam planirala uraditi su zaboravljene i svi prijatelji koje sam trebala kratko nakon poroda sresti su “odgodjeni”. Ali napokon sam uspijela sresti moju dobru prijateljicu Selmu.  Selma ima dvojke i moram priznati da mi je to enigma kako uopste zna gdje su joj noge a gdje glava …Svaka cast 🙂


I also managed to go to my old working place 🙂 I planned to do that in May :/ But better late than never 🙂



Uspijela sam otici i do mog starog radnog mjesta 🙂 To sam planirala da vec u Maju uradim. Ali bolje ikad nego nikad 🙂


On the way home I just HAD to stop by the chocolate store and buy a special gift to my little niece. This is Ada´s first time in a chocolate store 🙂


Usput smo navratile u prodavnicu cokolada jer sam morala kupiti jedan poseban pokloncic mojoj necakinji. Ovo je Adin prvi put u jednoj takvoj prodavnici 🙂

30 000 slaves in Europe / 30 000 robova u Evropi

Listened to the news today and was surprised to hear that there are 30 000 slaves in Europe. 80-90% of these are women, mostly kept as sex slaves. That means at least 24 000 women are sex slaves. Today, this  moment, this second. I wonder, what kind of a person one has to be to keep a human being as a slave. It would be interesting to see a documentary about these people because I believe as long as they exist there will be slavery.


Slušam danas radio i šokirala me činjenica da u Evropi ima čak 30 000 robova. Od tih su 80-90% žene, najčešće držane kao seksualne robinje. To znači da su u ovome trenutku, u ovoj sekundi, najmanje 24 000 žena seksualne robinje. Pitam se, kakva moraš biti osoba da bi držala tako jednu osobu robom. Bilo bi interesantno gledati neki dokumentarn o takvim ljudima, jer vjerujem dok je njih biće i robovlasništva…

Sweden here we go :) / Eto nas Švedska

Just booked the trip to Sweden. Next week me and Ada are off…It is a luxury to be able to do exactly what you want when you want it. Love it. This is the life one should have … always.  We are flying with Norwegian air despite all the crushing negative critiques that they have obtained last few months. I do have to say that I have never had any problems with them. On contrary, they have always been very helpful.

Here are pics from Ada´s first flight 🙂

flygbild 20140603_143028 adin prvi let20140603_132257

Par slika od Adinog prvog leta

Maloprije sam naručila kartu za Švedsku. Slijedeće sedmice ja i Ada odosmo… Pravi je luksuz ovako kad nam se “ćefne” otići gdje nam je volja. To je fantastično. Ovakav život uvijek treba imati.  Idemo sa Norwegian air iako su imali mnogo negativnih kritika u zadnjih par mjeseci. Ali moram reći da mi stvarno nikad nismo imali problema sa njima. Čak naprotiv uvijek su bili jako ljubazni… 

Neighbours / Komšije

Met my old neighbour and had a chat. She invited me for a coffee/ tea. I went and got this… Guess where my neighbour comes from 😉

Srela svoju staru komšinicu  i kroz priču me zvala na kafu/čaj. Otišla sam i dočekalo me ovo… Pogodite odakle mi je komšinica 🙂
