Teeth !!!/ Zubi!!!

Yesterday was big day. My daughter got not one but her first TWO teeth. Yesterday, there was nothing and today, suddenly, we could touch two teeth. Tried to make a photo but it was impossible… AND that was not all…

Jučer je bio jedan važan dan. Kćerci su nikli ne jedan već dva zubića !! Sinoć nije imala ni jednog, a danas se odjednom dva osjetila. Probala sam ih uslikati ali nije bilo moguće….Ali nije to sve…


(månader= months/ mjeseci)

She also started to crawl and she was so proud and motivated to start walking 🙂

Počela je i puzati i bila je tako ponosna i motivisana da pođe hodati 🙂


…and of course proud parents celebrated it 🙂

naravno… ponosni roditelji su proslavili to 🙂


Weekend / Vikend

This weekend was a “Birthday-weekend”. The daughter of my friends celebrated one year. She got soo big. It is amazing how time flies by.  Somehow, with children it passes by much faster then before… or I was just better in ignoring it… 🙂

Ovaj vikend je bio rođendanski vikend. Kćerka mojih prijatelja je slavila prvu godinu. I tako je velika narasla. Nevjerovatno je kako vrijeme prođe. Imam osjećaj da sa djecom vrijeme puno brže prolazi nego prije…ili sam jednostavno bila bolja u ignorisanju ga…:)







and the second birthday was of Zoofa, one of my best friends. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR FRIEND 🙂  You are truly unique 🙂

a drugi rođendan je bio od  moje jako dobre prijateljice koja je stvarno unikat.



Finally, I could wear this violet coat fr. Laurèl. Bought it before I got pregnant and feared it will never fit again 😛

Napokon, sam mogla čak i mantil od Laurèl  obući. Kupila sam ga prije nego što sam zatrudnila pa sam se bojala da mi više nikad neće moći :/


A nazi judge…

The breaking news today in Bayern (Germany) -a right-wing-extremist judge had been employed in a district court which made me cogitate on the mentality of the profession of lawyers and medical doctors. On a meeting, a couple of years ago, a senior physician, now a director in a German hospital, made a very xenophobic comment.  I always wondered why xenophobes have a profession where the CORE of the profession is that every human being is unique and equal with the same rights ?  How can a xenophobe treat a patient , or judge objectively in the court when he/she already have all the prejudices in his/hers mind? How does such a person get the fabulous idea to study medicine or law when they already discriminate people?  Why are people so simpleminded???



Salsa here we go :)

Yesterday was one of these great days one can have. 25 degrees, sunshine, a yoghurt frappé …

Jučer je bio jedan od onih dobrih dana kad je vani 25 stepeni, sunčano, jogurt frape…


yoghurt frappe

a walk in the city with my daughter. Here we saw people fighting for the right of animals…

2014-10-09 16.34.13


and a salsa course (with my superduper friend) in the evening 🙂 (Last time I went to salsa I was 6 months pregnant and dancing like an elephant. This time I was just dancing as an elephant, but still it was fun.) Here is a video of our instructors showing us the steps…

šetnja u gradu sa kćerkicom i navečer salsa kurs (sa mojom superprijateljicom). (Zadnji put kad sam išla na kurs bila sam trudna u 6. mjesecu i plesala sam kao slončić. Ovaj put sam samo plesala poput slončića, ali je bilo pravo zabavno), Ovo je video kad naš instruktor pokazuje korake …


First Sweden, then Bosnia and now Germany. We just arrived in Munich. I was happily surprised that everything went well going on a road trip with the little one.  It was the first time we went on a longer trip (Bosnia-Munich, Germany) by car. Ada was quite a sunshine almost the whole trip (the last 30km she started crying) .



Stigli smo nakon nekog  vremena u Minhen. Bila sam pozitivno iznenadjena da smo bez ikakvih problema prosli  na putu. Prvi put smo isli na duzi put (Bosna-Minhen, Njemacka)  autom. Ada je bila pravo zlato skoro citav put (osim zadnjih 30 km pred Minhenom kad je malo zaplakala:) ) .

Bosanska Krupa

Arrived to Bosanska Krupa to ” present”my daughter to my aunt. I met a very interesting and a very positive person that made the evening even more enjoyable. Today our journey continues to  Germany. Let’s see how that goes with a little girl 🙂

Digital StillCamera



Krenuli muz i ja na kafu… i prije toga uđemo u knjižaru “da vidimo šta ima” . Sretnemo lika koji je živa enciklopedija. Saznamo da je u okolini Tuzle prodano oko 10 000 primjeraka “50 Shades of Grey”  (50 nijansi) !!!  Računajte po 20KM po knjizi …Za takvu knjigu… meni prosto nevjerovatno ali haj svako ima svoj ćeif…

Maksuz smo kupili knjigu kod njega.

historijska citanka

Dalje se na glavnom trgu u Tuzli slavilo oslobođenje Tuzle u drugom svjetskom ratu. Bilo mi je to baš nekako čudno ćuti da se još uvijek slavi nešto od 2.g svjetskog… U Krupi se ne (slabo) slavi ni oslobađanje od zadnjeg rata a kamoli od drugog svjetskog….U svakom slučaju, lijepo su poredali štandove i moglo se kupiti fini domaći proizvoda. I tako mi završimo sa tacnom, medom, domaćim ajvarom, balzam za usne,  čaj, orahovaču, sokove, sirća pa čak i čestitke…ma nema šta nismo uzeli. Tako sam bila dobar kupac da sam čak i kesu paprika dobila.



…a kafe na kraju nismo popili…