I am sooo fed up with the colds, stomach viruses, bronchitis, the flu from hell and on top of that pneumonia and otitis. Since Thursday I have mostly spent my time taking care of Ada. She was having high fever and hurting joints. On Sunday I felt she got better, at least the high fever was gone.
Having sleep depriviation I hoped for at least one night with some good sleep. Well, I hoped too much! In the night Ada was screaming of pain. It was freaking me out. It took me long time to find out that she has pain in the ears because she was just crying and screaming not telling me what the problem was. At least ibuprofen helped!
Then came Monday and Ensar that was supposed to go to US early in the morning was in such a bad shape (pneumonia and otitis) he had to cancel the trip and now he has to stay at home the whole week.
After having left Adrian in the kindergarten, Ada wanted to go t o a museum. (Un)fortunately, museums are closed in mondays So we strolled around and went for a delicious icecream. Tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning.
Od četvrtka sam uglavnom provodila svoje vrijeme vodeći računa o Adi.
Imala je visoku temperature, groznicu i bol u zglobovima. U nedjelju mi se činila bolje pa sam se ponadala barem jednoj mirnoj noći gdje se mogu fino naspavati.
Međutim, Ada je u po noći poćela vrištati od bolova i nikako je nisam mogla smiriti da mi kaže šta je.
Nakon jedne vjećnosti sam skontala da je uši bole. Barem je ibuprofen pomogao!
Onda je došao ponedjeljak, kad je Ensar trebao letiti u Ameriku. Ali kad sam ga vidjela ujutru bio je u tako lošem stanju da je morao je otkazati put, a sad mu valja biti kod kuće cijelu sedmicu.
Nakon što je smo odvezli Adriana u vrtić, Ada je htjela da idemo u muzej. Nažalost, muzeji su zatvoreni ponedjeljkom, tako da smo malo šetale u okolini muzeja i onda smo se počastile sa predobrim sladoledom (i cappuccinom).
A za sutra vrijedi parola novi dan, novi početak.