Life log / Zivotni dnevnik

One thing I love to do when I am on vacation is to dream about all the things I want to do, all the places I want to see, people I want to meet, things I want to experience and so on. I reflect about my life and the way I want to live it. I love to read positive energy giving books about mental health and today I read two things worth noting.

1. It is very helpful to write down your own goals and wishes that you have. Your goals in private life, your goals at work and so on separately from each other. Once you know exactly what you want you are yourself able to form your life the way you want and not the way someone else wants.

2. Every Sunday evening one should have a “meeting ” with itself. One should plan what things you want to do to get closer to your goal and make a specific list of the tasks.
Next Sunday at the “meeting with yourself” you will then have  black on white things you wanted to do, what you actually did and what you didn’t do. For the things you didn’t do you write “NOTHING”. You will then see what you have missed, and you will be able to find out what and why you have missed. Keeping a track of the things you do you will have a record and also get motivated to do things and to improve your well being.
If you have one “NOTHING” that would be fairly normal, 2-3 NOTHINGS you are probably drifting off and won´t be able to fulfill your goals unless you focus more at your task, and with more than 3 NOTHINGS you probably should re-analyze, re-think and re-plan your strategy to get back in the game.

Here are some examples of the different goals one can work more specific at. / Par prijedloga na ciljeve na kojima mozes specificno raditiKad sam na odmoru volim razmisljati o svom zivotu i svojim zeljama. Sta hocu da dozivim, koja nova mjesta da posjetim, koje ljude da sretnem, knjige da citam itd. Razmisljam o zivotu i kako bih ga voljela zivjeti. Volim citati pozitivne knjige koje daju novu energiju bas u toj oblasti. Danas sam procitala dvije interesantne stvari koje vjerujem, ako se tacno urade, mogu promijeniti ili usmjeriti nacin zivota u pozitivnom smjeru.

  1. Mnogo pomaze kad svoje zelje i ciljeve napises na papir. Ciljeve mozes podijeliti u razne oblasti zivota u privatnom zivotu, poslovnom, ekonomske ciljeve, zdravstvene itd. Kad znas tacno sta zelis onda mozes i da svoj zivot tako promijenis da tebi pase i da ga ti zivis onako kako hoces a ne onako kako ga neko drugi zeli.
  2. Svake nedjelje navecer treba imati “sastanak” sam sa sobom. Treba sam za sebe izplanirati stvari koje hoces uraditi da bi se priblizio svoj cilju i napraviti jednu specificnu listu zadataka koje trebas slijedece sedmice rijesiti.
    Slijedece nedjelje tako kad opet imas sastanak sa sobom imas crno na bijelo sta si htjela uraditi i sta si stvarno uradila i sta nisi uradila.
    Za stvari koje nisi uradila napises ”NISTA”. Vidis dobro sta si uradila i saznaces sta nisi uradila i zasto nisi uradila. Kad pises tako sve stvari koje radis imaces listu koja te motivise da jos vise uradis za svoje dobro.
    Ako imas jedno ”NISTA” to bi bilo prilicno normalno, 2-3 ”NISTA” vec indicira da se malo gubis i da tako neces ispuniti svoje ciljeve ako se ponovo ne fokusiras na svoje ciljeve i zadatke. Sa vise od 3 ”NISTA” trebala bi ponovo analizirati, razmisliti i planirati novu strategiju da bi se vratila nazad u igru.Champions-are-Made-Not-Born