Yasmin, Yasminelle, Yaz, Aida i Petibelle… All known names for women that take anti baby pills. Some of these pills are also the reason why the company Bayer payed 1.9 billion dollar for an “agreement” claiming no guilt to women that have become damaged by these pills. For some time it is already known that the pills of 3rd and 4th generation are more dangerous than the 1st and 2nd ones. It seems that the new formula of drospirenon is the reason for that negative trend. Actually so much that the pharmacologists in Germany want to forbid these sorts and take them completely out from the market. Of course the corporations answer with a “there is more to earn than damage” argument. The profit Bayer spell with 768 million euro revenue only for the anti baby pills.
What is the damage then? The worst are the death cases! From the introduction of these new generations anti baby pills there are 28 death cases in Europe. 5 to 7 women of 10 000 experience thrombosis. Some of the side effects of the pills that women experience are lung emboli, heart attack, thrombosis, stroke and many many more.
Federal agency for Medicines recommend the doctors to give the old generation anti baby pills to avoid these horrifying side effects…unfortunately 768 million euro speak their own language. Countries like France, Benelux countries, Norway and Denmark have decide to prohibit all 3rd and 4th generations anti baby pills. I do not know how it is at Balkan (or anywhere else) but I would highly recommend to check out what pills you are taking if taking any. Yasmin, Yasminelle, Yaz, Aida i Petibelle…Poznata imena za zene koje uzimaju anti baby pilule. Isto tako su upravo antibaby-pilule razlog sto je firma Bayer 1.9 milijardi dolara platila kao “dogovor” za zene koje su imale teske nuspojave zbog tih pilula. Vec je neko vrijeme poznato da su 3. i 4.e generacije antibaby pilula opasnije od 1.e i 2.e. Izgleda da je nova forma aktivne substance drospirenon zasluzna za taj negativni trend. Toliko da farmakolozi u Njemackoj cak traze da se ovih 5 sorti skroz zabrani medjutim koncerne odgovaraju da je veca korist nego steta. Korist jer su u 2014. godini sa 768 miliona eura obrta samo na antibaby pilulama imali jako veliku “korist”. A koja je steta? Najveca je smrt! Otkad su uvedene nove generacije antibaby pilula 28 zena je u Evropi umrlo od njih. 5-7 zena od 10 000 zena svake godine dozivljava trombozu koja im citav zivot poremeti, mnogima i unisti. A steta su zene osjetile u u formi embolije u plucima, srcani udar, tromboze, mozdani udar.
Drzavni institut za lijekove cak predlaze doktorima da zenama daju stare generacije anti baby pilula da bi se izbjegle ove nuspojave i spasili zivoti ali 768 miliona eura svoje prica.
Druge drzave poput Francuske, BeNeLux-drzave, Norveska i Danska su cak zabranili 3. i 4.u generaciju antibaby-pilula.
Ne znam kako je na Balkanu, ali cure ako vec to koristite mijenjajte sto prije pilule!