Kids should not where winterjacket in car seats! / Kako zimi vezati opasac djetetu!

I often ask myself if it is any good to put a child in winter jacket into a car seat, and when so does the function really stay the same? Now a video got out showing the scary truth of a child with a winter jacket on.
Imagine: ..driving a child weighing 18 kg, in a car driving 50 km/ h and suddenly the car hits something. When a car going 50 km/h hits something, the weight of people and objects in the car are multiplied by 20…and you have a child that is turned into a 360 kg projectile! Imagine what happens when the seat straps are not put properly. (Here is a virtual slap for all the ones removing the seat straps telling that they are in the way..or they tell the mothers to hold their child with the arms..because they never “drive fast”! I would like to see the arms holding a 360 kg projectile). So to put it short.
To save your childs life

  1. Take off the winter jacket and put the seat straps tight
  2. Cover the child with the jacket or with a blanket
  3. Drive carefully

Cesto sam postavila pitanje ako je dobro staviti dijete u debeloj zimskoj jakni u (djecije) sjedalo i da li sjedalo obavlja svoju funkcija ako dijete sjedi u debeloj zimskoj bundi. Izasao je nedavnon video koji je zastrasujuci ali isto tako poucan.
Zamislite: Vozite dijete 18kg tesko, 50km / h. Kad auto koje vozi 50km / h udari u nesto tezina ljudi i objekata u autu se multipliciraju sa 20. Znaci dijete se pretvara u jednog 360kg teskog projektila. (Toliko o onima koji dodju na tu genijalnu ideju da sklone opasace “jer smetaju” ili koji kazu majci da drzi dijete u naramku…htjela bih vidjeti te ruke koje mogu projektil od 360 kg (za)drzati…). Zamislite samo sta se desi ako nije opasac dobro postavljen…
Znaci da djeci svojoj spasite zivot:

  1. Skinite zimske jakne
  2. Pokrijte djecu jaknom ili dekom dok vozite
  3. Vozite oprezno!bigkidscoats
    pic fr. here