
I believe that the best thing to do with children is to go swimming. At least this is what Ada thinks. Surprisingly, I never went to West bad indoors despite it being the closest indoor swimming pool, and I was positively surprised. It is a fantastic place for children. Ada was swimming for 2hrs making her very very tired , she fell asleep at 18.30h (ok, she woke up at 00h but that´s another story). We even made a fantastic selfie (not) after swimming, but then she started crying and wanted to go home.


West bad pictures from hereWestbad-Foto-Robert-Goetzfried9013 Westbad-Foto-Robert-Goetzfried9019 Westbad-Foto-Robert-Goetzfried9054Smatram da je najbolja stvar koju mozemo djecom raditi da odemo na bazen. To barem Ada smatra. Za divno cudo, iako nam je najblizi, nikada nisam otisla do West bad bazena. Bila sam pozitivno iznenadjena. Mjesto je san za djecu. Ada je dva sata plivala i naravno toliko se izmorila da je u 18.30h zaspala (ustala je doduse u 00h ali to je druga prica). Cak sam napravili fantastican selfie (ne bas) poslije kupanja, ali je tako postala kenkava da smo moral kuci.



Today the day started as wonderful as usually when my daughter wakes me up. She has this smile that makes me melt. Today, was the last sunny day with high temperatures so I decided to go to Westbad with Ada my friend Ekta and her daughter Vanea. By the time we arrived at Westbad the clouds already started congregate so we had to take a quick bath before the wind to strong and it got too cold. Even if it was for such a short time it was definitely worth it. The kids loved it. On the way back Vanea was kind of knocked out 😀
Ada is fit for fight, we are heading off for swimming 😀 / Ada je pripremna za kupanje20150901_101046Dan je prelijepo poceo, kao i obicno kad me moja kcer probudi..Ima onaj osmijeh koji me topi..iako je rano ujutru. Danas je bio zadnji topli ljetni dan tako da sam odlucila da odem do bazena Westbad sa mojom prijateljicom Ektom i njezinom kcerkom Vaneom. Dok smo stigli u Westbad vrijeme se vec promijenilo i naoblacilo se tako da smo morali brzinski se kupati. Nazalost je pocelo jako puhati tako da nismo dugo mogle ostati. Iako smo kratko tamo bile, nama se isplatilo jer su djeca vristala od srece. Na povratku je Vanea bila, blago receno, nokoutirana 😀
Vanea taking a nap after taking a dip in the pool…To cute 😀 / Vanea spava poslije kupanja… Preslatka je 😀20150901_163347