Sto je to zanimljivo kako zivot stane kad je neko bolestan. Ada je vec dva dana imala temperaturu i sve se vrtilo oko nje. Izgleda da se I prehladila tako da je njezino malo tijelo bas vodilo pravi rat protiv virusa. iako je ovo maciji kasalj, ustvari zijevanje, prema onim zestokim bolestima opet se insan umori. Hem sto mi je zao da gledam kako se pati, hem sto se budi u po ‘ noci. Recimo sinoc se Ada vec mnogo bolje osjecala te je odlucila mene u 3.07h probuditi da se igra. I igrale smo se do 5.30h. kao sto neki znaju vjerujem u evoluciju, ali ubij me ako kontam kakva je evolucionarna prednost homo sapiensa da se u 3.00h igra a u 15h spava…
It is quite interesting how the view of life gets concentrated to the baby when it gets sick. She is now the center of my universe more than usually. Ada is having fever for the last two days due to the vaccines she got. I suspect she also got the cold so her little body got many viruses to fight at once. I know this is nothing special, especially when comparing to serious diseases, but I feel sad when I see her suffer, and she sleeps bad at nights. Like for example last night. She woke up at 3.00h and wanted to play!!! So we played until 5.30h. Since, I believe in evolution I really wonder what kind of evolutionary advantage this getting up at 3.00h and play and then sleep at 15h, has for the homo sapiens species… Someone explain it to me…