Today, exactly 30 years ago it happened. I remember that day. I remember the chock my parents experienced and the chock we the children experienced that something could move them so bad. No one could believe that it is possible that a prime minister in a country like Sweden could be shot on the street. I am pretty sure no one, except the ones who did it, could believe that even 30 years later the killer hadn´t been found.
When I think about it the murder of Olof Palme I realize it is the first bad thing ever that happened in my life. It was the time I realized the world is not a fairy tale we live in. So somewhere deep inside me I feel a little bit sad of this day and hope that at least one day the murderer should be caught. This they, the police and the politicians, owe to the Swedish people.Prije tacno 30 godina se to desilo. Sjecam se tog dana. Sjecam se sok koji su moji roditelji dozivljeli, i sok koji smo mi djeca dozivjela oko toga da nesto moze toliko nase roditelje potresti. Niko nije vjerovao da predjesnika drzave mogu tako lako na sred ulice ubiti. I to u Svedskoj. A niko nije mogao ni pomisliti da se taj slucaj 30 godina jos uvijek nije rijesio. Kad malo razmislim ubistvo Olofa Palmea je prva zla stvar koja se u mom zivotu desila. To je bio dan kad sam shvatila da svijet nije neka bajka u kojoj zivimo. Tako da negdje u meni ipak imam onaj tuzni osjecaj ovog dana i nadam se da ce jednog dana ubica biti uhvacen. To je najmanje sto policija i politicari duguju svedskom narodu.