If you want to understand the financial crisis of 2007 – 2008 take a look at this great movie “The big short” based on the 2010 book The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis. Financial instruments and words like subprime loans, CDO´s , tranche are explained in a very simple and easy way and makes you wonder how people working in banking business where so blind to see what was coming. Not to say how blind we are to what is coming. The problem is that things haven´t changed a bit so I guess we will just have more such crisis but in shorter intervals, making me reflect about how to save for the future.Ako hoćeš da razumiješ financijsku krizu od 2007-2008 pogledaj super film “The big short” (Opklada vijeka), baziran na knjizi (2010) istog imena od Michaela Lewis. Financijski instrumenti i riječi popu subprime krediti, CDO´s, tranche su objašnjene na jednostavan i lagan način i dovede te da razmišljaš o tome kako je moguće da ljudi koji su radili sa tim stvarima nisu vidjeli na šta će to sve izaći. I mi smo doduše slijepi tome što dolazi. Problem je što se stvari ništa nisu promijenile tako da sam sigurna da će krize poput 2007 sve češće dolaziti, što mene dovede da razmišljam o tome kako ustvari štediti za budućnost