While in Sweden I heard that in the kindergarten there where 19 kids with the stomachflu. Imagine my happiness having missed that horror. It is not even strange that the kids get it considering that they are not going outdoors… at all. I really have an issue with that and must say I don’t understand that philosophy.
Unfortunately, I didn’t stay happy too long. Two evenings back, Ada started complaining about having pain in the stomach and went to bed quite early. Ada going to bed early is a clear sign that she is not well. She didn’t sleep too long before the hell broke loose.
My husband was taking care of her because I cannot stand someone vomiting. But Ada was so brave even counting the times she was vomiting. Poor thing. Luckily, today she is better and I keep my fingers crossed that Adrian doesn’t get it…
Dok smo bili u Švedskoj čula sam da je u vrtiću bilo 19.oro djece koje su dobile stomačni virus. Tako da zamislite sreće što smo to promašili.
Mislim da nije ni čudno što djeca fasuju te stvari, kad ih nikako ne puštaju van iz zgrade. Stvarno mi je to problem i ne razumijem tu filozofiju.
Nažalost, nije me sreća dugo pratila.
Prije dva dana se Ada počela buniti da je stomak boli.Čak je otišla leći jako rano što je znak da nešto nije u redu. Nije dugo trajalo kad je poćeo pakao.
Mogu sve skoro gledati ali kad neko povraća meni se život smuči, tako da je onda Ensar bio sa Adom skoro čitavu noć dok je ona jadnica povraćala.. Ada, srce malo, je brojala koliko je puta povratila i meni raportirala (kao da nisam znala). Jadnica.
Srećom danas je već bolje i sad se samo nadam da i Adrian ne fasuje isto to.