Positive things in Bosnia – Art / Pozitivne stvari u Bosni- Umjetnost

A couple of years ago I visited my relatives in San Francisco where I experienced the joy of seeing the paintings of Mersad Berber and Midhat Jelkic Bosner. These two and Salim Ljuma have become my favorite three artists from Bosnia. I am no reviewer (nor expert) of arts I either like the paintings or not. Berber and Bosner I like because I find peace in the picture. They are beautiful and I like that they use the traditional dresses and patterns of Bosnia. Salim on the other hand is different. I find his paintings more interesting. When you first look at Salims painting you see the obvious. However, after a while you notice there are hidden things in the picture. I feel sometimes that I look at the picture and the picture looks back at me. I love it!
P.s. who is your favorite painter?

Paintings of Berber!MersadBerber-Sample-01  berber201224 32609ffa2e4367ab5bec4220d94050ad

Paintings of Bosnerjelkic---22-2x30-cm-kt-dik131---150121 jelkic---32x23-cm-kt-bijeli-konj-1303201 jelkic---35x25-cm-p-sa-1303201

Art by Salim Ljuma1928860_941082122606577_1803757967972594385_n 11059239_915804585134331_6763116195305567018_n11046689_937756639605792_248752757449645171_n  11698631_867291076652349_1903756942271413822_n salim_spirala
Prije nekoliko godina kad sam bila u posjeti kod rodbine u San Francisku po prvi put sam vidjela i shvatila da ima izvrsnih slikara iz Bosne. Vidjela sam radove od Mersada Berbera i Midhata Jelkić Bosner uživo i bila sam oduševljena. Berber, Bosner a i Salim Ljuma su mi postali vremenom favorit slikari iz Bosne. Niti sam ekspert slikarstva niti kritičar meni se slike ili sviđaju ili ne sviđaju. Od Berbera i Bosnera mi se sviđaju jer osjetim neki mir kad gledam njihove slike. Isto mi se sviđa što često slikaju tradicionalne  nošnje i mustre. Slike od Salima Ljume su drugačije. Kad gledam njegove slike prvo vidim ono očigledno, da bi nakon izvjesnog vremena primjetila da u slici ima sakriveni motiva. Ponekad osječam da ja gledam sliku a slika mene. Fantastično!
P.s. koji je vaš omiljeni slikar?

If you think you cannot paint…/ Ako mislite da ne znate slikati

…think again. It might be that you are not good enough in selling your paintings. This painting was done by Barnett Newman in 1953 and was sold for amazing 44 million dollars. I just see a blue painting with a line, but Sothebys (they sold this painting) described it as  “Newman overwhelms and seduces the viewer with the totality of its sensual, cascading washes of vibrant blue coexisting with Newman’s vertical “Sign” of the human presence, his iconic and revolutionary “zip.”  Personally, without offending anyone, seeing the picture and the amount of money “invested” the first thing I think of is money laundering… If interest exist I´ll make such painting for “only” 10 million dollars in any color 😉1953 Onement VI oil on canvas 259.1 x 304.8 cm © 2013 Barnett Newman Foundation - Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York -

Ako mislite da ne znate slikati…
…ponovo razmislite. Moze biti da se ne znate dobro prodati. Ova slika je uslikana 1953 od Barnett Newmana, i prodana je za nevjerovatna 44 miliona dolara. Ja samo vidim plavu podlogu sa linijom ali Sotheby´s (koji su uostalom prodali sliku) opisiju slikara kao ” Newman je upecatljiv i zavodi gledaoce sa totalitetom senzualnosti, pljuskovima laviranim vibrantnom plavom koja koegzistira sa Newmanovim vertikalnim “Sign” (Znakom) ljudske prisutnost, njegovom ikonskom i revolucionarnom energijom.” (U slucaju da sam pogresno prevela slobodno mi javite).  Bez uvrijede, ali kad vidim sliku i kolicinu novca placenu za sliku odmah pomislim na jednu stvar… a to je pranje novca. U svakom slucaju ako interes postoji uslikacu istu takvu sliku za “samo” 10 miliona dolara u kakvoj boji hocete 😉