Skladistenje nakita

Za one sto imaju puno nakita a hoce da imaju pregled, evo ideje sa Ikeahackera.  Kod mene je katastrofa sto se tice nakita. Pogotovo za zlatni nakit i POGOTOVO nakon toga sto mi je obijen stan bio. Nije bas da hocu sve na jednom mjestu da drzim. Ustvari najbolje je sve sto imas staviti na sebe kao ova mlada indijka na svojoj udaji  🙂

Pic shows: Bride was covered in gold for the wedding in India. An Indian sweet maker made sure his daughter was the golden girl at her upcoming wedding by covering her in gold jewellery worth more than 400,000 GBP. The man who was not named nevertheless came under fire after it was revealed he needed a police guard to protect him and his daughter as they turned up covered in gold for the wedding in India's southern Andhra Pradesh state. Police spokesman Sandeep Kumar in Tirupati, a holy city known for its famous temple of Lord Vishnu, confirmed that the man and his daughter, who he declined to name, had worn gold jewellery throughout the ceremony. He said: "It is not a crime to wear such a large amount of gold, but there could have been a crime once people heard about it. We just wanted to make sure there were no problems in advance." The move was widely condemned on social media sites once the images from a mobile phone was shared, with people branding it both humiliating and shocking. Indians, one of the world's largest consumers of gold, spend huge amounts in buying gold jewellery for family weddings, and recently several wealthy Indians have been seen sporting shirts made out of solid gold thread. This father of the bride reportedly made his millions from selling confectionery in India. (ends)
Na slici: mlada (indijka) u vjencanici i nakitom od 400 000 Funti!!!




A little inspiration / Malo inspiracije

I am always fascinated by people that manage to keep order of small things at home and even more of people making things beautiful. In the first picture a glas jar is spruced up with colors and nice holders. I wouldn´t be surprised if my friend Lejla makes this at home 😛
The garage for small cars is just too cute, and one can even color the toilet rolls to get the colors fit.
And finally the cables. I´m not  a fan of them. They make the room look so untidy. However, now I got inspiration of these pictures so maybe this is something that I will do in the future. I just have to start collecting toilet rolls 😀

Uvijek me fasciniraju ljudi koji uspiju sacuvati red u kuci I koji od jednostavni, pomalo dosadnih stvari naprave lijepe stvari. Recimo ove staklene teglice bas izgledaju slatke kad se poklopac ofarba i doda se lijep neki drzac. Ne bih me cudilo kad bi moja prijateljica Lejla to napravila 🙂
A garaza za auta je preslatka. A da bude jos bolja mogu se toalet role i ofarbati da boje budu u sklopu.
I ovi vjecni kablovi. Ugrgrgh. Ne volim kad imam stotinu kablova koji se zapetljaju i gdje treba i gdje ne treba. Soba mi tako djeluje neuredna kad vidim zapetljane kablove. A ovdje su uzeli toaletrole malo ih dekorirali i super (barem bolje nego prije) izgleda. To je definitivno nesto sto cu morati probati. Samo prvo moram poceti sakupljati role 😀

The pictures are from the blog förvaringsdrottningen