Ada loves to bake and play in the kitchen. To bake with my daughter usually ends up with a kitchen where it looks like a bomb has exploded but she gets so happy to bake that I cannot resist her wish 🙂
Here is Ada´s first “Semla”.
Ada voli graviti kolače i igrati se u kuhinji. Praviti kolače sa Adom obično završi tako što čitava kuhinja izgleda kao da je bomba u njoj eksplodirala, ali se Ada tako obraduje kad pravi kolače da joj jednostavno ne mogu reći ne 🙂
Evo Adine prve Semle.
For weeks I am sick and slowly I get crazy of it. I have no energy for anything so it was a great idea of my father to go to visit some friends in Jönköping. Last time I was in Jönköping is more than 10 years ago, so it was nice to make the trip. Our friends have bought a house with a beautiful view over the the lake Vättern. The view is much more beautiful live.
Sedmicama sam vec prehladjena i polako me to izludjuje. Nemam energije ni zasta tako da je bila super ideja da odemo u prijateljima u Jönköping u posjetu,. Zadnji put sam bila tamo prije nekih 10 godina. Nasi prijatelji su kupili kucu sa prelijepim pogledom nad jezerom Vättern. Moram reci da je pogled puno ljepsi u stvarnost.
Here, we went for the famous Swedish dish “Semla”. I just love it 🙂 / Ovdje smo otisle na svedski kolac “semla”. Pravo je ukusan 🙂
Few days back I had a small incident where my iron started to glow with a beautiful blue electric light and electric sound so I decided I need a new one before I set my apartment on fire. I went to Mediamarkt and got crazy with these 100 different irons they offer. Just give me one iron that is good and works fine. In any case my super nice brother bought one that is great and cheap. Anderson for 299 kr …When changing the heat level it changes lights which is soo cool 🙂
Prije par dana sam imala malu nezgodu gdje mi je pegla pocela da svijetli prelijepim plavim svijetlom i pucketala je struja, tako da sam odlucila da mi treba jedna nova pegla prije nego sto zapalim stan. Otisla sam u Medimarkt i poludila sam kad sam vidjela onih 100 raznih pegli. Pa daj mi jednu koja je dobra da se ne moram maltretirati. Uglavnom, moj dobri brat je kupio neku super dobru peglu-Anderson za super cijenu (299kr). Cak mijenja boje kad pojacas ili smanjis temperaturu. Jako coool 🙂
Quite funny how small things in life can make a person happy 🙂
Zanimljivo kako nekad male stvari cine covjeka sretnim 🙂