Schyrenbad/ Schyren bazen

The best thing one can do when the temperatures are above 30 and even close to 40 degrees is to take the children to a swimming pool or a lake/ river. I and my friends Suada and Lejla also wanted to go for swimming so we decided to meet in the middle and go to Schyrenbad.
Schyrenbad is the oldest swimming pool in Munich. It was opened in 1847 but only men where allowed to go there. It was very cold water then because the water from the flood Isar was used to fill the pools. Luckily for us, in 1938 women where allowed to come and swim.
As the perfect finish we went to the vietnamese restaurant Charlie, on the other side of Shyrenbad, and I loved their food. Definitely, something I would recommend. I ordered happiness rolls (I guess that is some kind of spring rolls). In any case it was delicious.

Najbolja stvar koju mozes raditi sa djecom kad su temperature iznad 30 pa i priblizuju se 40 stepeni je da odes ili na bazen ili na jezero/rijeku. Kako su Suada i Lejla isto htjele ici na bazen tako se odlucimo da odemo u Schyrenbad. Schyrenbad je najstariji bazen u Minhenu. Otvoren je vec 1847 ali su samo muskarci smjeli doci na kupanje. Voda u bazenima je bila hladna jer je koristena voda od Isara. 1938 su se vrata otvorila i za zene i odtad se smatra kao bazen za familije. Kao perfektan zavrsetak dana smo otisli u jedan vietnamski restoran Charlie, koji je odmah preko puta Schyrenbad. Hrana im je pravo ukusna i friska tako da  je definitivno mjesto za preporuciti. Ja sam narucila role srece, pretpostavljam da je to neka vrsta proljetnih rola. U svakom slucaju je jelo bilo jako ukusno.