Some time ago I spent a beautiful October day with Ada and my friend Lejla, her daughter Lena and Lejlas sister Merima with her family. It was the golden October day it said at the radio. We went to the castle in Schwetzingen. I never heard of it before but it is worth visiting. Schwetzingen Palace was the summer residence of the Electors Palatine Charles III Philip and Charles IV Theodore (of the House of Wittelsbach).
The area around the castle is big and one can spend hours walking there. What surprised me the most though was the old mosque! It is not a place where I imagined a mosque. It is said that Charles III Philip and Charles Theodor where very open to other religions and by building the mosque they kind of paid respect to this religion.
As cynic as I am I am pretty sure that is just a made up story to make them “look nice”. Considering how kings where back then I tend to believe that they had at least one concubine or mistress that was a muslim and by building it they were being “nice”:)
In any case I find it to be a pretty building giving the whole area a little bit more fairy tale flair.
Sreli smo se u palači u Schwetzingenu, za kojeg nikad prije nisam čula. Schwetzingen palača je bila ljetna residencija kneza Karl III Filipa i Karla IV Teodora od kuće Wittelsbach.
Mjesto oko palače je ogromno i može se provesti nekoliko sati samo šetajući. I pravo iznenadi džamija na koju smo naletili kad smo tako kroz park šetale. Nije baš da sam očekivala džamiju tu. Priča se da su oba Karla bili jako otvoreni prema drugim religijama i da su na taj način što su pravili džamiju pokazali respekt prema raznim religijama.
Cinična kakva jesam prilično sam sigurna da je to samo izmišljena priča da bi oni ispali “fini”. Kakvi su u toj dobi kraljevi bili prije će biti da su imali neku ljubavnicu kojoj su se htjeli pokazati i tako napravili džamiju.
Bilo kako bilo arhitektura je prelijepa i daje čitavom području malo osjećaj kao da si u bajci.