Have you ever renovated an apartment? For the ones that have done it they will understand the tremendous gift and love that makes a person do this for an another person.
I haven´t had internet for ages, making me completely detached from the world the last month meaning also no contact with my family. During that time my little sister had organized to renovate my bathroom in the apartment in Solna as a surprise. Can you imagine the surprise? I couldn´t believe that someone would do this for me. I would be afraid to do that to anyone. I would be afraid that I will mess up something. But my sister did it perfect!
My gratitude has no words. I love you dear sister!
Da li ste ikada renovirali stan? Za one koje jesu, razumijece koji je to nevjerovatan poklon i koja je to ljubav kad jedna osoba uradi nesto tako nekome.
Nisam imala internet vec preko mjesec dana, sto me totalno odsjeklo od svijeta i samim tim i od moje familije. Moja sestra je taj period iskoristila da organizuje da se kupatilo u mom stanu u Solni renovira. Mozete li samo zamisliti koje je to iznenadjenje bilo? Ja to prosto ne mogu da vjerujem, jer mene bih strah bio da tako nesto njoj uradim. Bojala bih se da necu nesto jos pokvariti. Ali moja sestra je to perfektno odradila. Moja zahvalnost nema rijeci. Volim te seko!