Today was Adrians first flight ever and typically it took ages. I actually think I’ve never travelled so long to get to Sweden. We left Karlsruhe around 12h and arrived around 19.30h . They where awake the whole journey. At home the kids where so excited so they fell asleep around 22h. Me on the other hand I am to tired to sleep and I am thinking of a lot of things. Funny thing in the end was that the last stairs where colorful:)
Danas je bio Adrianov prvi let, naravno se izdužio. Mislim da nikad nisam toliko dugo putovala za Švedsku. Krenuli smo iz Karlsruhe oko 12h i stigli oko 19.30h. Djeca su bila budna skoro čitav put. Kad smo stigli tako su bili uzbuđeni da nisu mogli spavati i tek oko 22h su zaspali. Ja u drugu ruku sam bila tako umorna da nisam od umora mogla zaspati i mnogo sam razmišljala. Bilo mi je baš simpatično vidjeti ove stepenice kad sam trebala izaći iz metra.