Since Ada is sick and I am fully occupied with her I completely forgot that I had ordered some things from the Bosnian company Ingea. Yesterday, they arrived cheering me up on that misery day. I actually never heard of them before they showed up on a gameshow at Voxxyz blogportal where Ingeas products where the win. As I am in Bosnia now, I thought I´ll test them because I have heard a lot about them, said and done I ordered a couple of items. The prices are ok, and they are completely natural without any preservatives. I even had to push myself to stop ordering things, because even if the prices are ok I still don´t want to throw away my money if the product isn´t good. I ordered anti-cellulites peeling cream (hope dies as last) with pepparmint flavour, peeling cream with orange flavour, an oil serum of immortelles and a facial tonic with rose flavour. Except the peeling cream I tried them all and they where great!! Unfortunately, for my friends (I know a couple that would love them) I won´t be able to put another order because I´ll not get the things in time, so they will have to buy themselves these things 😛 Kako je Ada bolesna skroz sam zaboravila da sam narucila par stvari od Ingea. Jucer mi dodjose onako bas fino zapakovani i obradovase me u mojoj mizeriji. Moram priznati da nisam nikad ni cula za Ingeine proizvode dok nisam vidjela nagradnu igru na Voxxu. Bila sam i malo lijena priurediti blog da se takmicim. A kad sam vidjela koliko lajkova pobjednici izvukose tjesim se ne bih ionako pobijedila. Lijenost je najteza bolest….
Sad kad sam dosla u Krupu nesto mi pade na pamet ta nagradna igra pa rekoh da ja to ipak onako patriotski isprobam koliko su navikali da je dobro. Pogledam cijenu, i mislim da za prirodnu kremu sasvim su ok cijene. I krene me narudzba , dobro sam stala. Ja bih najradije sve probala ali opet sam malo kontala sta cu sa kremama ako narucim i nevaljaju. Koliko god je cijena ok, ne volim bacati pare. I padne izbor na… anticelulitnu peeling kremu 😛 (to je u stvarnost nada zadnja umire), peeling za tijelo od narandze, tonik za lice od ruze i ulje serum od smilje. Probala sam sve osim peeling za tijelo od narandze i mogu reci da sam odusevljena. Steta sto sutra idem, ima par prijateljica koje bi se radovale ovim poklonima… a sad ce ih morati same naruciti 😛
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