This weekend my friend Amra and went spontaneously to the flea market in the Post Palace. It gets very obvious how much our society is in this consume mode when visiting such a place. So many things people get “tired off” but that are absolutely fine and some people in this . Maybe the next step will be to get a stand and sell off my things that I do not use, but that are good. This time I bought a toy for my daughter and I got myself a coral necklace (?). These are (luckily) for years forbidden to make, so imagine my surprise to see it at the flea market (even if they are old). Ovog vikenda sam spontano otisla na buvljak u Post Palace sa mojom prijateljicom Amrom. Kad dodjem na onakvo mjesto budem svjesna koliko mi ustvari konzumiramo i koja je to ustvari bolest i potreba da sve imamo novo. Toliko je ljudi bilo na buvljaku sa toliko raznih stvari koje su ustvari super, samo treba prebroditi u sebe da sve stvari nisu nove.
Slijedeci korak je da uzmem stand drugi put i da pocnem prodavati svoje stvari. Bolje to nego da stoje i kupe prasinu kod kuce.
Ovog puta sam imala neku ludu srecu. Adi sam kupila igrackicu a sebi jedan crveni lancic od koralja. Vec je godinama zabranjeno praviti nakit od koralja tako da sam se bas zacudila kad sam vidjela lancic na buvljaku (iako nije nov).