Positive thing in Bosnia – massage / Pozitivne stvari u Bosni- masaža

Farah dermatological cosmetic center Tuzla- Massages and facial treatments:
If you are around in Tuzla, there is this awesome place to get massage! In general I am a fan of massages, facial treatments and all things connected to “spa life”. I am sure that I could spend every day in spas going from one treatment to another. I adore it! I go for massage quite often in Munich and Stockholm but I was absolutely amazed when I went for massage at Farah in Tuzla, in Bosnia of all places 😀  My masseuse Azra is one of if not the best masseuse I have met so I definitely recommend her if you want to go for a great massage. After the massage there is a quite nice cafe(Sagittarius) close by where one can order great (healthy) smoothies as the great finish of a relaxing day! pic. fr. Farah.bamasazaFarah dermatološki kozmetički centar Tuzla- Masaže i tretman lica:
Fenomenalno! Inače sam apsolutni fan masaža, tretmana lica i sve što ima veze sa spa. Čini mi se da bih čitave dane mogla ići po masažama i tretmanima. Često sam bila na masažama u Minhenu i Štokholmu ali sam se oduševila kad sam otišla na masažu kod Azre u Farah u Tuzli.  Od tad sam stalni gost tamo kad dođem u Tuzlu. Za završetak jednog opuštajućeg dana možete otići u Sagattarius kafić gdje imaju ukusne smoothies.smoothie