62 *x= 3 600 000 000*x

According to Oxfam the richest 62 people in the world owe as much as 3 600 000 000 poorest people in the world. These 62 people have increased their wealth with 542 billion dollars from 2010. The worst thing is that this difference increases. The rich ones become filthy rich while the others get poorer. The bizarre part is that except for the left parties and the communists the whole world seem to find that ok (or they say they are not ok with it but vote for people allowing it). People believe that is the way world works (?): Obviously, that is something we are supposed to believe. Especially, since the richest people control everything including what we see at TV. We are all indoctrinated to believe that it is possible for everyone to become so rich. We “just have to work hard, and have the bright ideas” and everyone of us will become one of these 62 people. I just say “yeah right and pigs do fly”. Unless you are born into the families of these 62 people you will never ever even come close to them, their richness and power.
Now I wonder who is actually the crazy one here? The communists and lefties (that are looked at as the devil in the church) that want everyone to have the same opportunities or the capitalists that finds it normal that 62 people own as much as 3 600 000 000 people… Sorry but can some one please explain that to me from the human point of view?160114173556-oxfam-wealth-inequality-780x439lamborgini  refugee
Po podacima od Oxfama 62 najbogatije osobe na svijetu imaju isto toliko kao sto 3 600 000 000 najsiromasnijih ljudi u svijetu. Od 2010 su ove 62 osobe povecali svoju imovinu za 542 milijarde dolara. Da bude jos gore ova razlika raste. Bogati postaju sve bogatiji a siromasni sve siromasniji. Bizarno je da, osim lijevice I komunista, svijet smatra da je to neko normalno stanje, da je to ok. Ocigledno je da smo indoktrinirani preko medija koje upravo ovi ljudi drze da svi mi mozemo postati tako bogati (i mocni). “Samo” trebamo puno raditi i imati dobre ideje. To je isto istinito koliko je i da “svinje mogu letiti”. Ako niste rodjeni u tu familiju nikada necete ni prismrditi tom bogatstvu a jos manje toj moci koje tih 62 ljudi imaju.
Tako da se sad pitam ko je ovdje lud? Komunisti i lijevica (koju inace ovdje gledaju kao djavola u crkvi) koja smatra da smo svi isti i da trebamo imati svi ista prava ILI kapitalisti kojima je to normalno da 62 osobe toliko imaju imovine kao sto ima 3 600 000 000? Da li mi neko moze objasniti to iz nekog ljudskog pogleda?


The days before Christmas are just crazy in the city. There are thousands of people with this stressed stare accompanying people on a hunt for the perfect christmas gift. To avoid the crowd I took another way ending up in an Oxfam store, ending with the book “The name of the rose”, a classic I never actually read. It costed 2 euro and was like new. I do have to say I was thrilled because there were so many good books that would cost at least 10-fold if bought new.

So what is Oxfam at all?
Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organisations working in approximately 94 countries worldwide to find solutions to poverty and what it considers injustice around the world.In all Oxfam’s actions, the ultimate goal is to enable people to exercise their rights and manage their own lives. So not only do you get stuff cheaper but you also help the world. I think for the ones buying gifts, this is the perfect opportunity to hit two birds with one stone !
the name of the rose

Ovih dana je ludilo u gradu. Na hiljade stresanih ljudi sa panicnim pogledom kad kupuju bozicne poklone u zadnjoj minuti. Da izbjegnem tu gomilu ljudi prodjem drugim putem i zavrsim u Oxfam prodavnici sa knjigom ”The name of the rose” (Ime ruze=?) koja je kostala samo dva eura. Moram priznati da sam bila odusevljena sto sam uzela knjigu tako jeftino. A samim tim i doprinijela prinos Oxfamu.

A sta je ustvari Oxfam?
Oxfam je jedna internacionalna federacija od 17 organizacija koje rade u nekih 94 drzave i koje probavaju naci nacin solucije siromastvu i tome sto smatraju nepravdom u svijetu. U biti cilj Oxfamovih akcija je da ljudi imaju i koriste svoja prava i da zive uredjenim zivotima. Znaci, ne samo sto mozes kupiti jeftine (i kvalitetne) stvari, nego i pomognete siromasima… tako reci dvije muhe jednim udarcem udarite.oxfam