First my husband waits for months to move to Karlsruhe and then suddenly it happens on a three days notice. Talk about stress. There where some guys from a company packing all the things and the whole apartment was cleared empty in one day. Like no one has ever lived there before. It felt quite sad. In Karlsruhe, the same guys should have unpacked but there where other guys that came instead. So now there are 90 packages with things and no one knows what is inside each of them. The kitchen is not set up yet, so some 50 packages cannot be unpacked. In any case it is for sure that one should move every couple of years to get rid of unnecessary things…
Prvo muz mjesecima ceka da se preseli za Karlsruhe i onda se odjednom sve desi u toku tri dana. Koji stres. Neki momci su iz neke firme citav stan bukvalno spakovali za dan. I ostao je stan kao da niko nikada tamo nije zivio. Osjecaj je bio pomalo tuzan. U Karlsruhe, isti momci su istovarili sve i trebali su da ispakuju sve…ali nisu tako da sad ima nekih 90 kutija i gdje nemamo pojma gdje su stvari. Kuhinja jos nije postavljena tako da nekih 50 paketa ne moze ispakovati. U svakom slucaju sam skontala da covjek svako malo treba da se seli da bi se nepotrebnih stvari rijesio…