As previously written I was in Neue Pinakotheke a couple of days ago. I picked the three paintings I liked most (old post), because I didn´t have time to upload all of them. Luckily, there are some more beautiful paintings that I took a picture of. I hope that people that do not have the chance to go there can have at least a moment of joy when looking at these beautiful paintings here.
Sunflowers 3rd version, Van Gough
Neptune´s horses, 1892.Walter Crane
S. Maria Della Salute,1904, Paul Signac
Garden in Kalmhout, Henry van de Welde
The Seine near Samois (the study of four seasons), 1899, Paul Signac
Playing in the waves, Arnold Böcklin
Monkey´s as judges of Art, Gabriel von Max
The visit, Franz von Defregger
The Falconer, Hans Makarrt
The Choir of Westminster Abbey, Max Emanuel Ainmiller
Felice Berardi from Albano, 1842, August Riedel
Young peasant woman with three children at the window, Ferdinand George Waldmüller
Fanny Ebers, 1826/1827, Friedrich Wilhelm von Schadow
The Old Riding School in Munich Café Tambosi in 1822, Domenico Quaglio
Breakfast, 1753, Jean-Étienne Liotard
Anne-Marie-Louise Thélusson, Comtesse de Sourcy, 1790, Jacques-Louis David
Portrait of Madame de Pompadour, 1756, Francois Boucher
Kao sta sam prije napisala bila sam prije nekoliko dana u Novu Pinakotheku. Izabrala sam u proslom postu tri slike koje su mi se najvise svidjele, a ovdje sam sad stavila jos lijepih slika koje su mi se svidjele. Nadam se da ce i oni koji nemaju mogucnost vidjeti ove slike u zivo barem na trenutak moci otploviti mislima i na tren uzivati u ljepoti raznih slika.