Inspired as we (Ada) are from Frozen and the fact that Ada got skates from her auntie, she badly wanted to go skating last weekend..
Theoretically, I wanted it too BUT last time I had been skating is some 20 years ago. And I was not good in skating back then either. So my fear was to break my legs and make a disaster show in public instead of simply showing Ada how to skate.
Then I forced myself to come a little bit outside my comfort zone… and I loved it 🙂
I felt like the ice queen at least Ada looked at me like that. People around us probably saw a person more like Bambi on ice. Who cares though! We had fun 🙂
Our fan club / Naši navijači 🙂
Inspirisane kako jesmo (bolje reći kako je Ada inspirisana) od Ledene Kraljice i činjenica da je dobila šlicure od svoje tetke, htjela je da ide na šlicuranje prošlog vikenda..
Teoretski, sam i ja htjela ALI zadnji put kad sam se šlicurala je prije nekih 20 godina a ni tad nisam bila dobra u tome. Strah me zato bio da slomim noge i napravim neki mega haos među narodom umjesto da u miru pokažem Adi kako se šlicurati.
Natjerala sam sebe da izađem malo iz svoje komforne zone i mogu reći da sam uživala u tome.
Osajećala sam se kao Ledena Kraljica, tako me Ada gledala, iako je su ljudi oko nas najvjerovatnije gledale osobu koja liči na Bambi na ledu.
Ali koga briga. Bitno je da nam je bilo super 🙂
Dinosaurie world / Svijet dinosaurija
Adas kindergarten was closed Thursday and Friday so my plan was to do something fun. I had seen that there is a exhibition of dinosaurs for children so I thought that we could spend some time there. I love dinos myself and I think Ada loves them too. She was asking many questions about them but the best question was asked in a very serious tone…Are dinosaurs eating humans? Well, how do you explain that humans didn’t even exist in that time? For grown ups the exhibition is not so interesting but children love it. It was a nice time we spent together.

Bonding with the kids / Vezanje djecom
Ada demanded to go to the zoo on Sunday, so I fulfilled her wish that beautiful day. The most fascinating animal- the ice bear was injured and couldn’t be seen today.
The hit today at the zoo was the ice cream(?). Can´t say children are having high expectations on me 🙂
Looking at Ada I realise how fast time is passing. She is so big, and Adrian is already half a year. Somehow it is difficult to gasp.
Anyway, we had a beautiful picnic and I hope one day she will remember it.
Kad vidim Adu ne mogu da vjerujem kako vrijeme brzo prolazi. Već je velika, a i Adrianu je već pola godine prošlo. To mi je nekako teško shvatiti.
U svakom slučaju imali smo predivan piknik i nadam se da će se jednog dana to sjećati…

Friends visiting / Prijatelji u posjeti
Last Thursday to Sunday we got visit from our very good friends Suada and Đenan with their kids. The weather was great so we spent the whole Friday in Karlsruhe city center. We went to Schloss Karlsruhe and its beautiful botanical garden. Ada stayed at home from kindergarten to spend time with her old friends.
On Saturday we went to Strasbourg. I love it. I could stroll the streets for hours. This time we mostly ran after the kids but still the ambient was cute. One thing I will remember from this trip was the whole day fight between the children of who can stand at the standing board of the buggy. Funny how one remembers things like that.
U subotu smo otišli u divni grad Strasbourg. Mogla big tamo satima se šetkati po oins malim uličicama. Ovaj put smo doduše najviše trčali za djecom ali haj bilo je lijepo. Jedna stvar koja će mi ostati u sjećanju od ovog putovanja je da su se djeca čitavo vrijeme svađala/diskutovala ko će od njih stojati na dječijim kolicima. Smiješno kako neke stvari ostanu u sjećanju….
Wonderful visit / Voljena posjeta
Last week my mother, my sister and her two kids visited us. It was a BIG thing meeting little Adrian! PZ and PA loved it. Especially PA likes the fact that he is not the only boy in the family now…
Ada loves her cousins because they are playing the whole time…making such a mess it is quite impressive.
Having three kids running around is quite a drama. One moment they love each other and next they want to fight each other…and it is never silent. Yesterday, the cousins went back home and today it is so silent at home. For some time that is nice but then I do miss them already and so does Ada.
The whole week we have threatened that the kids won´t get any gifts from Santa if they are not keeping calm and so finally for the new year eve we had THE celebrity visit from Santa Claus. And he brought tons of gifts!
Children loved it, however PZ suspected it is Adas oncle Omar behind the dress 😛
Adrian slept through the Santa Claus visit so he didn´t get as many gifts as the others. I can´t wait for the next year to see childrens face when they meet Santa Claus again 🙂
From this visit I will remember the mornings when children, the first thing they did, ran to the Christmas tree to open up the deco that is filled with candies. It was fun to see their happy faces 🙂
Well Happy New Year Folks, hope next year gets better than last 🙂
Prošle sedmice su nas moja mama, moja sestra i njezino dvoje djece posjetili. Bila je to VELIKA stvar sresti malog Adriana. PZ i PA su bili oduševljeni. Pogotovo PA kojem se sviđa što nije jedini dječak u familiji više…
Ada voli svoju sestru i brata jer se igraju čitavo vrijeme… i takav haos u kući djeca naprave da je to impresivno.
Troje djece koja trće po kući je prava drama. Jednog momenta se vole i ljube, da bi se slijedećeg posvađali… tako da nikad nije tiho.
Jućer su moja sestra sa djecom vratila se kući… i ostala je tišina. Isprve mi to godi, ali nakon nekog vremena mi već nedostaju. A i Adi nedostaju, već prića kako će se seliti u Švedsku.
Čitavu sedmicu smo djeci prijetili da neće doći Djeda Mraz ako ne budu slušali, i za Novu godinu nam napokon dođe taj nečuveni Djeda Mraz. Djeca su bila oduševljena. PZ je ipak pretpostavila da je Djeda Mraz Adin striko Omar hehe.
Jedva čekam slijedeću godinu da vidim dječija lica kad Djeda Mraz dođe. Nema ništa ljepše od dječije radost.
Ovu posjetu ću se posebno sjećati po jutrima kad su djeca, prvo što su radila kad se probude, trčala do jelke da vide ako ima bombona u dekoracijama. Bilo je bajno vidjeti njihova sretna lica kad ih pronađu.
Nadam se da ste i vi lijepo proveli Novu Godinu. Sretna Nova svima i želim vam da slijedeća bude ljepša i uspješnija od prošle 🙂
Lightshow at the castle / Šou svjetla na palači
For some time I was planning to go to the light show at the castle (Badisches Landesmuseum) in Karlsruhe. It starts at 20h and ends around 00.15h. However, we happened to be in the garden of the castle waiting for Ensar to come and pick us up and he was quite late so when he finally arrived we thought we stay and watch a bit of it until Ada gets tired.
It was magical!!
I love light shows in general so I could sit and watch for hours. To have this idea what to show, which music, which effects it is all such a beautiful science.
I cordly recommend to watch this show and the best is that the entrance is free!
Neko vrijeme već planiram da odem na šou svijetlosti na palači (Badski Državni Muzej) u Karlsruhe. Počinje u 20h i traje do 00.15 h. Ada i ja smo čekale Ensara da dođe po nas ali je dosta kasnio tako da kad je napokon došao (a Ada je bila tip top budna) odlučili smo da ostanemo i pogledamo barem dio šoa.
Bilo je magično. Inače volim šouove svjetlosti i mogla bih ih satima sjediti i gledati. Samo ta ideja kako isplanirati sve, koju muziku, koji efekat. Meni je to čitava nauka. Definitivno za preporučiti a još najbolje u svemu tome je da je džabe.
Day 1 / 1. dan
Today was Ada´s first day in kindergarten in Germany. I think she loved it because she refused to leave that early as we were supposed to. Of course for the day she wanted to be very chic and wanted to wear the dress she had for my brothers wedding. For a short moment I wanted to refuse to let her go in that dress, I remembered how I hated it when other people did it to their children. I believe it is better she uses the dress and feels pretty in it than that this cute dress hangs in the wardrobe for a “special” occasion. Special occasions are supposed to be happening every day. My husband didn´t understand it at all. He wanted to dress her “practically”. However, the girls won this time 😀 For the first day in “school” she also got a little gift to play with, she loved it…I regretted it when I saw the mess afterwards 😛
Danas je Adi bio prvi dan u vrticu u Njemackoj. Mislim da joj se pravo svidjelo jer nije htjela ici kuci tako rano kao sto smo se dogovorili. Naravno za pocetni dan je htjela da bude jako lijepa i htjela da nosi haljinu koju je nosila na svadbi mog brata. Prvo sam je htjela od toga nagovoriti, pa sam se sjetila kako sam to mrzila kad drugi rade djeci. Vjerujem da je bolje da koristi haljinu i da se osjeca lijepom nego da ta lijepa haljina visi u ormaru i ceka neku “posebnu” priliku. Posebne rilike trebaju da budu svaki dan. Moj muz to nije razumio, jer je hto da je prakticno obuce. Svejedno, ovaj put su cure pobijedile 😀 Naravno, za prvi dan u “skoji” dobila je i pokloncic. Njoj se pravo svidio, a ja kad sam vidjela rusvaj iza toga onda sam se pokajala za poklon 😛
Up in the air / U letu
After a month and a half in Sweden, with a short trip in Iceland in between, me and Ada where again on the road…or rather up in the air.
The most important of this trip was that I have said good bye to my grandmother. I hope I will see her again, but in the bad shape she is in I do not believe I will. She is getting worse for each day and it is very depressing to see a her deteriorate. Here is one of the last pictures that I probably have with her.
Nakon mjesec i po dana u Svedskoj, sa kratkim putovanjem za Island, ja i Ada smo opet bili na putu
Najvaznije sto sam obavila ovog putovanja je da sam vidjela moju majku i da smo se mogle pozdraviti. Nadam se da cu je opet vidjeti ali tesko. Svakim danom je sve gora i gora. Deprimirajuci je gledati je kako se “raspada”. Ovo je jedna od zadnjh slika sto imam od nje. Last couple of days have been quite hard. Since I was leaving I had to clean the whole apartment. I had to sort out tons of things. I am still tired of that work but I feel quite satisfied having finally done it. I also cannot thank my family enough because they have been there to help me.
Ada suddenly got very calm while I was clearing up some things. I now know why…
Zadnjih par dana su bili dosta naporni. Posto idem morala sam citav stan ocistiti. Tako da smo tonu stvari sortirali i ocistili. Jos uvijek sam umorna od toga, ali sam zadovoljna sto smo to uradili. Ne mogu se dovoljno zahvaliti mojoj familiji sto su mi pomogli.
Dok sam sredjivala neke stvari Ada se fino umirila…
Here are some pics from the time we spent together with the family. / Par slika od vremena sto smo zajedno proveli.
And finally a pic from our flight to Karlsruhe. We landed in Berlin- Tegel airport. We were flying with a propeller airplane and I thought it was fun that during the flight I couldn´t see them but in the picture they could be seen.
I noticed there was a difference in service between Norwegian air and Air Berlin. I definitely prefer Norwegian, except that me and Ada liked the chocolate heart we got from Air Berlin.
Isli smo preko Berlina-Tegel u Karlsruhe. Isli smo sa propeler avionom i zanimljivo mi je bilo da se ne vide u letu, ali kad se uslikaju onda se vide.
Dalje sam primjetila razliku u posluzi izmedju Norwegian Air i Air Berlin. Definitivno su prijatni iz Norwegian, osim sto se na kraju leta dobije ukusno cokoladno srce od Air Berlin.
Kindorado is one of the biggest playgrounds for children in south Germany, so I decided to take Ada there to check it out and play a little bit. It was nice but I had imagined it bigger. Ada loved it, but we were a little late so she couldn´t enjoy it as long as she wanted.
Kindorado je jedno on najvecih igralista za djecu u juznoj Njemackoj, tako da sam odvela Adu tamo da se malo igra. Bilo je lijepo ali sam se ja zamislila da c biti dosta vece. Adi se pravo svidjelo, ali kako smo kasno dosli nije mogla bas dugo da uziva u igri.
Rheinstrandbad Rappenwört
On Sunday, we decided to take a rest from unpacking all the things in the apartment. The weather was great and we decided to explore the surroundings. Not far away from the apartment, is the Rheinstrandbad Rappenwört. It is very good when having children because there are playgrounds for children to play with. Since, it lays on the island Rappenwört of the river Rhein we could even see big ships passing by and that was highly appreciated by Ada.
U nedjelju smo odlucili da se malo odmorimo od otpakivanja u stanu. Vrijeme je bilo lijepo I odlucili smo malo okolinu da provjerimo. Nedaleko od stana su Rheinstrand Rappenwört bazeni. Tamo je super otici sa djecom jer imaju igralista pa ih to drzi zauzetim. Kako su bazeni na adi (ostrvu) Rappenwört u rijeci Rhein, tako smo mogli vidjeti velike brodove koje prolaze pokraj bazena. To je bio hit kod Ade 🙂