First month having two children has passed and I have been thinking of their future and their savings. I decided to make one portfolio for the children, instead of separated accounts, because it feels more fair to share the stocks at two at a given point than having to portfolios where one maybe is very good and the other is bad.
So Ada´s and Adrian´s portfolio was updated with 5 Axfood, 10 Cloetta B and 2 Sagax D stocks. This adds 34 kr (incl. tax) to the dividend per year. The dividends will be reinvested until Ada´s and Adrian´s time comes to inherit these stocks.
My portfolio was updated with 9 Axfood, 5 of a new stock – the Intrum Justitia and 42 Sagax D. This adds to some 170 kronor per year.
As I said previously I have a dis-balance in the different areas that I have invested in which makes quite big fluctuations once one of these stocks goes up or down.
To avoid that I am thinking of which stocks to buy. I would be interested in some that have something to do with water so if anyone knows any stocks I would be interested to hear about itPrvi mjesec sa dvoje djece je prošao i razmišljala sam malo o njihovoj budućnost I štednji. Odlučila sam da ipak samo jedan račun imam za njih dvoje. Osjeća se malo poštenije u slučaju da jednom padne vrijednost dionica a drugom se dignu. Ovako djele na dva.
U novembru mjesecu sam u dječiji portfolio kupila 5 Axfood, 10 Cloetta B i 2 Sagax D dionice. Ovo ukupno daje 34 kr (sa porezom) dividende godišnje.
Dividende će I dalje biti reinvestirane u nove dionice dok ih ne budu djeca dobila.
Za sebe sam kupila 9 Axfood, 5 Intrum Justitia I 42 Sagax D. Ovo dodaje oko 170kr (sa porezom) godišnje.
Kao što se vidi dosta je velik disbalans u raznim tržištima koje imam što dovede do velikih promjena ako jedna od dionica padne/ naraste.
Da bih to izbjegla razmišljam koje bih još dionice kupila. Zanimaju me neke što imaju veze sa vodom, tako da ako znate bila bih zainteresovana da čujem o tome.