
Me and my sister went for an energy boost weekend in Milano. We had 2 days  just us two sisters.
We met at the Malpensa airport and from there we took the bus to central station. The taxi costed 94 Euro one way ticket and the bus costed 8 Euro. Since we just had hand luggage we decided to save the 200 Euro and went by bus.
In Milano we had a great hotel called the Biocity hotel that was very close to Central Station. It was clean, had great breakfast and absolutely heavenly cappuccino. Altogether this made me and my sis sit and eat breakfast for two hours. All the things we had planned to see we kind of missed. We just felt we want to take it easy and enjoy the food and the ice cream. U septembru smo ja i moja sestra spontano otišle u Milanu. Dva dana samo nas dvije sestre. Koji luksuz!
Srele smo se na aerodromu Malpensa i odatle smo autobusom išle do glavne stanice. Taksi je koštao 94 eura u jednom pravcu, a autobus je koštao 8 eura. Pošto smo imali samo ručni prtljag, odlučile smo da uštedimo tih skoro 200 eura i idemo autobusom.
U Milanu smo noćile u fantastičnom hotelu Biocity koji je usput vrlo blizu glavne stanice. Bio je čist, imao je odličan doručak i apsolutno nebeski kapućino. Sve ovo je učinilo da ja i moja sestra ujutru dva sata doručkujemo. Sve stvari koje smo planirale da vidimo smo nekako propustile. Osjećale smo da želimo da se opustimo i radimo ono što nam je želja ergo uživamo u hrani i sladoledu.
We went to Duomo, the cathedral. It was beautiful. Considering it took some 500 years to make I am more impressed of the persistence. 500 years of planning and working on one building is quite an achievement. I notice though that I have seen a lot of cathedrals and feel that they all look more or less the same so I wasn’t impressed at all from the outside. The inside I didn’t want to see because I would have had to wait in the queue for at least 2 hours.
Prvo smo otišle do Duomo, poznate katedrale. Bila je predivna. Uzimajući u obzir da je trebalo oko 500 godina više sam impresionirana sa upornosti. 500 godina planiranja i rada na jednoj zgradi je doista dostignuće. Primjetila sam da sam vidjela mnogo katedrala i smatram da one sve manje više izgledaju iste, tako da nisam uopšte bila impresionirana spolja. Unutra nisam htjela da idem gledati jer bih morala čekati u redu najmanje 2 sat, a za to nisam imala vremena.

Close to the cathedral was the Gromo ice bar. THAT is a must to try. It must be the best ice cream I have ever eaten. It was celestial.
Blizu katedrale je bila Gromo slastičarna. Ako odete u Milano taj sladoled MORATE probati. To je najbolji sladoled kojeg sam ikada jela. Nebeski!!

We took a walk to the famous outlet DMAG but wondered if people really are that stupid to pay this enormous sums for such crap clothes. I mean there where a couple of things that were unique and I would have bought them if the pricing was more realistic, but the rest. It is, as Bosnians say, tax on stupidity. This jacket costed around 1500 Euro…on sale!

Otišle smo do poznatog outleta DMAG-a, ali smo se pitale da li su ljudi zaista tako glupi da plaćaju ove ogromne sume za takvu odjeću. Da razjasnim. Bilo je fantastičnih stvari koje možda i vrijede taj novac ako se krećeš u takvom društvu, ali većina stvari samo budale kupuju. To je, kako bi se kod nas reklo porez za budalu. Ovaj kaput je jedan od onako cool stvari koji košta oko 1500 evra … u rasprodaji! Ludost!

After strolling the wonderful streets we decided to go to the Porta Genova where there are a lot of restaurants. We had been recommended “the white rabbit” or “Osteria Al Coniglio Bianco”. The food was deliciiiiious.
Nakon šetnje prekrasnim uličicama, odlučile smo da odemo u Porta Genova gdje ima mnogo restorana. Preporučeni su nam “Bijeli zec” ili na talijanskom “Osteria Al Coniglio Bianco”. Hrana je bila savršena. Samo zbog hrane bih opet nazad u Milano otišla…

Next trip was to the modern quarter Lombardy. There we saw the amazing and impressing building the vertical forest designed by Stefan Boeri Architects. This new way of architecture that is filtering the air with 900 !! trees was for me absolutely breathtaking. For me personally far more impressive than the Duomo Cathedral.
Nakon ručka smo otišle modernoj četvrti Lombardij. Tamo smo vidjele nevjerovatnu i impresivnu gradnju vertikalne šume koju su dizajnirali Stefan Boeri Architects. Ovaj novi način arhitekture koji filtrira vazduh sa 900 !! stabala(?) je za mene bilo apsolutno nevjerovatno. Za mene je mnogo daleko impresivnija ova gradnja od katedrale Duomo.

The Sunday we spent at Micam looking at the spring collection of all possible kind of shoes. It was so cool to experience that.
Nedjelju smo provele u Micam gledajući proljetnu kolekciju svih mogućih vrsta cipela. Bilo je tako kul i to doživjeti.

Looking back now the weekend passed so fast and I really look forward to our next adventure…
Vikend je tako brzo prošao i već se sada radujem našoj slijedećoj avanturi ..