Breastfeeding Rheumatism (?)/ Reuma dojenja (?)

These last couple of days I´ve had some pain in my joints. When I wake up my left hand is stiff and hurts. As well as my elbow. The joints are a little swollen and I can hardly lift anything with it.  I never had these problems before so I googled (Google knows everything) my symptoms. In Swedish sites I even found the name “amningsreumatism” which if translated would be called something like breastfeeding rheumatism (I guess there is a scientific name for that). When a woman is breastfeeding there are hormons that are secreted and the hormon levels are changed which can cause these symptoms… No one told me about these things (and many more) before I got my baby..actually no one told me tons of things that happen after getting a baby… :/


Zadnjih par dana su me zglobovi bolili. Kad se probudim ruka mi se sva ukoci i boli. Zglobovi su nateceni i maltene nista ne mogu dici. Nikad prije nisam imala ovi problema tako da sam te simptome googlala (Google sve zna). Na svedskim stranicama cak postoji rijec za to “amningsreumatism” a to je u direktnom prevodu reuma dojenja. Vjerovatno ima neko naucno ime za to. Znaci dok zena doji nivoi hormona se mijenjaju u tijelu i to dovodi do ovih simptoma… Prije nego sto sam rodila niiko mi nije prije pricao da ove stvari uopste postoje…ustvari nisu mi pricali stotine stvari koje se desavaju kad se dobije beba :/