Finally, I ordered furniture for the guestroom / home office!!!
Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn´t be better to outsource this job and get an interior designer to finish off things faster…because me and Ensar together in a furniture shop are BAD not to say catastrophic combination.
We hardly agree on anything and it takes 100 years to finish up things. I must say I MISS my sister there. With her it all goes so fast and it is much more fun to go shopping (sorry Ensar).
It is such luxury just telling someone I would like this and that style and then they make it all in one day, making even the ugliest things look nice. Definitely something to consider next time we move! Maybe I should make an outsourcing saving account for cases like this?
Ponekad se pitam da nije bolje platiti nekog interijer dizajnera da to sve brzo završi, jer ja i Ensar smo KATASTROFA kad idemo zajedno u prodavnicu namještaja.
Slabo se možemo oko ičega složiti i treba nam 100 godina da završimo stvari. Moram priznati da mi tu sestra PRAVO nedostaje. Sa njom sve ide brzo i puno je interesantnije (žao mi je Ensare).
Koji luksuz to mora biti kad imaš nekoga da ti kuću sredi da samo kažeš hoću ovaj ili onaj stil i oni to u jednom danu riješe. Ali haj to nego i one najružnije stvari naprave da lijepo izgledaju.
Ovo je definitivno nešto za razmisliti za slijedeći put kad se budemo selili. Čak možda da otvorim štednji račun za “outsourcing” (plaćanje nekog trećeg da izvrši posao) za slučajeve poput ovog!