Tonsillitis / Gnojna angina

In Ada’s kindergarten they have streptococci going around and guess who gets them? ME!!! So for last three days I have been completely k.o lying in the bed with fever. When the penicillin started to work I was so happy and grateful that there antibiotics still working, or rather that there are still bacteria that are not multi-resistant , because imagine what kind of world it will be when no antibiotics work :/

Me feeling sh*t / Ja kad se grozno osjećam

U Adinom vrtiću imaju slučaje sa streptokokama i pogodite ko ih dobije? JA!!! Tako da sam zadnja tri dana bila totalno komirana, sa temperaturom i samo sam ležala u krevetu. Kad je penicilin počeo da djeluje bila sam tako zahvalna da ima još uvijek antibiotika koji funkcionišu, ili da okrenem priču dobro je da ima bakterija koje još nisu multiresistentne, jer zamislite kakav će biti svijet ako ni jedan antibiotik ne bude funkcionise.

Presence of resistant bacteria CPE Year 2013/ Prisutnost resistantne bakterije CPE 2013. godine

Green/ Zeleno : no reported cases / nema prijavljenih slučajeva
Light blue / svijetlo plava: sporadic cases / sporadični slučajevi
yellow / žuto : cases in individual hospitals / slučajevi u pojedinjenim bolnicama
orange/ narandžasto: sporadic cases in multiple hospitals / sporadični slučajevi u više bolnica
dark orange / tamno narandžasta: regional spreading / regionalno proširenje
red / crveno : spread in individual regions / prošireno u pojedinjenim regionima
dark red / tamnocrvena: endemic situation / endemska situacija

source / izvor :
Presence of resistant bacteria CPE Year 2015/ Prisutnost resistantne bakterije CPE 2015. godine

Gnojna angina / Slap in the face

I hate that feeling of expecting something great and instead you get a slap in your face. I expected great time with relatives but Ada got sick… Yesterday evening it all started by Ada being a little bit cranky. She fell asleep at 19h,which is quite unusual for her. I measured Ada´s body temperature to be sure she is ok… and the thermometer showed 39 degrees!! Then the whole Odyssey started trying to get her temperature down. But it simple wasn´t working. During the whole day today Ada was never coming under 38.5 degrees. After a while she refused eating which made me suspect that we have a “throat problem” here. Luckily, we found a doctor in the city and got Ada diagnosed with tonsillitis. Just great. In any case Ada got some antibiotics that will hopefully work in next three days.
In meanwhile I wonder what is really better? Cool her body down to lower the body temperature or just wait? I have read by lowering the fever the agony is just prolonged because the bacteria, viruses are more efficiently fought in 39 degrees than in 37. But when I see Ada suffer I have big problems letting her fight the fever by herself…cool_patch_4

Mrzim onaj osjecaj kad ocekujem nesto dobro i dobijem plesku. Ovaj put sam ocekivala super provod sa rodbinom, ali Ada se razbolila… Sinoc mi je postala malo kenkava a i zaspala je u 19h sto je vrlo rano za nju. Odlucim da Adi izmjerim temperaturu… kad ona 39 stepeni. I tako je citava Odiseja pocela sa smanjivanjem temperature. Ali nikako nije islo. Danas citav Adi nije pala temperaturaispod 38.5 . I dodatno je pocela da ne jede. Tako da sam pocela sumnjati nesto sa grlom. Srecom nadjemo doktora i diagnosticira je gnojnom anginom. Samo mi to jos falilo… Prepisan joj je antibiotik s kojim treba, nadam se, tri dana da ozdravi…
Nesto razmisljam… sta je ustvari bolje? Smanjiti aktivno temperaturu ili jednostavno pricekati da se Ada sama izbori s tim? Citala sam ako se smanji temperatura da se agonija produzi jer ipak tijelo ipak bolje unistava viruse i bakterije na 39 nego na 37 stepeni. Ali kad vidim kako se pati onda mi bude zao da je pustim… Ne znam ni ja vise…