First thing I did after arriving to Iceland was to go to the Blue Lagoon. A tip is that if you plan to go there you- prebook the tickets because the lagoon is always full.
The Blue Lagoon contains geothermal seawater that is taken from a nearby geothermal plant that processes water of 240C degrees. The water is then let to cool to comfortable 38C Degrees. The composition of the water is such that no bacteria is growing in it so there is no need to use any chemicals to keep the water clean. Plus that all the water is replaced in 40 hours. The best though is that the water is full of silica which is helping the collagen in the skin to strenghten the skin so everybody looks much younger when coming out of the water 😉
Prvu stvar sto sam uradila kad sam dosla u Island je otici u Plavu Lagunu. Ako planirate ici tamo unaprijed bukirajte karte jer je laguna uvijek puna.
Plava laguna se sastoji od geotermalne vode koja se uzima od geotermalnog postrojenja. Kad izadje iz zemlje bude 240 stepeni, i ta voda se pusti da se ohladi na ugodni 38 stepeni. Voda je takva da nikakve bakterije ne prezive i samim tim su kemikalije koje drze vodu cistom nepotrebne. Dodatno na to traje oko 40 sati da se sva voda izmjeni. Najbolje je medjutim sto je voda puna silicijuma koji pomaze kolagenu da ojjaca kozu, tako da svi izgledaju puno mladji kad izadju iz vode 😉