My brother had the connecting flight at Frankfurt airport and was to stay there for a couple of hours giving us the opportunity to come and meet him there. It took us 1.5h to get there and I am pretty sure that some people wouldn’t travel 1.5h to meet but for me it is important that my children meet there uncles or any other family. I believe in quantity rather than quality time with family.Moj brat je trebao presjedati par sati u Frankfurtu tako da smo iskoristili to vrijeme da se sretnemo. Trebalo nam je 1.5h da dođemo do aerodroma i sigurna sam da neki ljudi taj put ne bi prelomili… pogotovo sa djecom. Ali isto tako vjerujem da je jako bitno djeci da vide dajđe i ostalu familiju. Vjerujem da je tu kvantitet bitniji od kvaliteta.