As previously written I was in Neue Pinakotheke a couple of days ago. I picked the three paintings I liked most (old post), because I didn´t have time to upload all of them. Luckily, there are some more beautiful paintings that I took a picture of. I hope that people that do not have the chance to go there can have at least a moment of joy when looking at these beautiful paintings here.
Sunflowers 3rd version, Van Gough
Neptune´s horses, 1892.Walter Crane
S. Maria Della Salute,1904, Paul Signac
Garden in Kalmhout, Henry van de Welde
The Seine near Samois (the study of four seasons), 1899, Paul Signac
Playing in the waves, Arnold Böcklin
Monkey´s as judges of Art, Gabriel von Max
The visit, Franz von Defregger
The Falconer, Hans Makarrt
The Choir of Westminster Abbey, Max Emanuel Ainmiller
Felice Berardi from Albano, 1842, August Riedel
Young peasant woman with three children at the window, Ferdinand George Waldmüller
Fanny Ebers, 1826/1827, Friedrich Wilhelm von Schadow
The Old Riding School in Munich Café Tambosi in 1822, Domenico Quaglio
Breakfast, 1753, Jean-Étienne Liotard
Anne-Marie-Louise Thélusson, Comtesse de Sourcy, 1790, Jacques-Louis David
Portrait of Madame de Pompadour, 1756, Francois Boucher
Kao sta sam prije napisala bila sam prije nekoliko dana u Novu Pinakotheku. Izabrala sam u proslom postu tri slike koje su mi se najvise svidjele, a ovdje sam sad stavila jos lijepih slika koje su mi se svidjele. Nadam se da ce i oni koji nemaju mogucnost vidjeti ove slike u zivo barem na trenutak moci otploviti mislima i na tren uzivati u ljepoti raznih slika.
Today, I was in Neue Pinakotheke with my cousin. I like to stroll around and enjoy the beautiful paintings from known painters. I have noticed though, that always the same paintings catch my attention.The painting “The sweet waters of Asia in Istanbul” by Johann Michael Wittmer, painted 1837, is my absolute favorite. I like the colors, the motive, the landscape. I like all of it. (Guess I sound like an expert).
Danas sam bila u Neue Pinakotheke sa rodicom. Kao sto sam prije pisala u Minhenu je nedjeljom ulaz u vecini muzeja samo jedan euro. I steta je ne iskoristiti to i vidjeti prelijepe slike (poznatih slikara). Uzivam u slikama i volim setati po galeriji i sanjati. Samo, primjetila sam da mi svaki put zapadnu iste slike za oko. Slika “The sweet waters of Asia in Istanbul” (prev. “slatke vode Azije u Istanbulu”) od Johann-a Michael Wittmer, slikana 1837, mi je najljepsa slika u Pinakotheci. Svidjaju mi se boje, svidja mi se motiv, pejsaz a ma sve mi se svidja. (Bas zvucim kao ekspert umjetnosti) .Second painting that I like is the one of Marcheze Marianne Florenzi, painted 1824, by Heinrich Maria von Hess. I like it because it reminds me of my aunt Seida when she was young… reincarnation anyone? To bad the picture was this bad.
Druga slika koja mi se svidja je od Marcheze Marianne Florenzi, slikana 1824, od Heinrich Maria von Hess. Svidja mi se jer me podsjeca na tetku Seidu kad je bila mlada … Reinkarnacija mozda ? Steta samo sto sam je slaba slika.
The third painting I liked because of the beautiful painted dress. Standing in front of the painting I get the feeling that the dress is real. I also loved the cute shoes. The painting is a portrait of Madame Pompadour, painted 1756 by Francois Boucher.
A treca slika mi se svidjela zbog haljine. Kad stojis pred slikom imas osjecaj da je haljina stvarna od platna. A i cipelice su mi se svidjele. Na slici je portret od Madame Pompadour, slikan 1756 od Francois Boucher.