There is the Chinese saying “A healthy man has thousands of wishes, a sick man has just one“. I feel a little like that. Somehow we don´t manage to get healthy. For months we have been sick and last night was horror with Adrian. He could hardly breath and I had to hold him in my arms the whole night. Today, the doctor than decided to give him antibiotics to lower the risk of pneumonia. Just 5 months old he has to take antibiotics. I feel so sad about it. On the other hand I do feel grateful there are any antibiotics at all.
Since, I am also sick for ages I have decided to start a “boost”- week. I have bought Orthomol immun and drink Floradix so that hopefully I also recover. So instead of go shopping stuff I really want to, I have started the spring shopping with medicine. Arghhh…
Ima ona kineska poslovica “zdrav čovjek ima hiljadu želja a bolestan samo jednu“. Tako se nekako ja trenutno osjećam. Mi nikako da ozdravimo. Mjesecima smo bolesni i prošla noć je bila strašna sa Adrianom. Nije mogao disati tako da sam ga čitavu noć u rukama držala. Danas je doktor odlučio da mu ipak počnemo antibiotike davati da ne rizikujemo upalu pluća. Samo mu je 5 mjeseci i već mora uzimati antibiotike. Toliko mi je žao zbog toga. U drugu ruku mi je drago da uopšte imamo antibiotike.
Pošto sam I ja bolesna već mjesecima odlućila sam da uradim “pojačanje”-sedmicu gdje ću sve moguće stvari koristit da ojaćam imunski sistem. Kupila sam Orthomol Immun i floradix pa ćemo vidjeti ako čarobna formula pomogne. Tako ja, umjesto da idem u proljetni šoping i da kupujem sebi stvari koje stvarno hoću da imam poćela proljeće sa kupovinom lijekova… da poludim….