I was quite convinced that Trump will win. It would fit to the level of USA population.
The other thing I was convinced about was that the stock market will crash, like when Brexit happened. Unfortunately, I missed the opening of the stock market and thus missed the opportunity of buying stocks on sales. By the time I could check it the prices had recovered. Too bad.
Another big thing that happened yesterday and today was my sons (it sounds so weird) first laugh. He laughed yesterday when I held him and my heart was melting. And today he had his first bath and he enjoyed it so much.
I guess in the end it doesn´t matter who wins the US elections. The show goes on there. People always adapt…
However, experiencing the first laughter of a child, your child, that is something priceless.Bila sam prilično sigurna da će Trump pobijediti. To mi nekako paše nivou Američkog društva. Bila sam isto i sigurna da će berze puno pasti, kao za Brexit. Nažalost sam promašila otvor berze kad se moglo prilično jeftine dionice kupiti. Kad sam mogla pogledati berzu, berza se već sabrala. Šteta!!
Druge dvije velike stvari koje se desile jućer i danas su da mi se sin (kako čudno zvuči) po prvi put u životu na glas nasmijao i danas se prvi put kupao. Tako je uživaooo.
Na kraju se ipak pokaže da je nebitno ko dobije na izborima. Šou se nastavlja, a ljudi se uvijek prilagode.
Ali doživjeti prvi smijeh jednog djeteta, pogotovo svog, je neprocjenjiv!