Childrens fight / Dječija tuča

Usually grown ups have this beautiful picture of kindergarten. Children are playing nicely together and everything is great and peaceful. Well on Friday the first thing I heard of Ada was that she had “boom” a girl- and then she was showing her fist. First I didn´t understand what she meant by it and then I realized she had hit a girl. I tried to find out what had happened but couldn´t get a clear picture of who had hit whom first. As far as I understood Ada had taken the girls biscuit and the other girl hit Ada. Ada then hit her back. No matter what I was quite shocked about it. What happened to the fun peaceful kindergarden I remember?Obično odrasli imaju lijepu sliku vrtića. Djeca se lijepo igraju, sve je bajno i mirno. I onda prva stvar što me dočeka kad dođem u vrtić je Ada koja mi priča kako je “bum” curicu i pokazuje šakom. Prvo nisam skontala šta hoće reći, da bi skontala da je udarlia curicu šakom. Probala sam izvući iz nje šta se desilo ali nije pričala nešto. Neka je frka bila kad su sjedile Ada i ta curica jedna pokraj druge i jedna je uzela keks od druge. Kako sam skontala Ada je uzela keks od druge curice, da bi ova pošizila i lupila Adu, a Ada ni pet ni šest curi vrati . Nebitno, bila sam šokirana i pitam se šta se desilo onim zanimljivim, mirnim vrtićem kojeg se ja sjećam?