Across my seat a woman was eating chocolate. Ada seeing her wanted also a chocolate giving me (really, really) hard job to convince her that she will get it…another time. I was kind of lying.
Next time I was alone eating a chocolate when a woman and her child sat across. Of course the woman got the same problem as I have had. I felt busted and for a moment thought about if I should continue or stop eating. The option give it to the kid does not exist. I decided embarrassed to put my chocolate away.
All this made me think…
Is it ok to sit on the bus and eat a chocolate when a child across you is watching you? The same goes for all things be it chocolate or cigarettes!
Is it ok when you are in a hurry and you cross the street while other peoples (you wouldn´t do that to your own) children are watching you?
Is it ok to stare on your cell phone be it your or other people’s children around? What do we teach them with it?
I, as a parent, am really grateful for people thinking about these things and avoid to do these obvious things while my children are around, even if is restricting their comfort being.
You have no idea how much that helps. For me YOU are the true every day heroes!
(Djeca će tebe oponošati tebe, a ne tvoje savjete)
Preko puta mog sjedišta sjedi žena i jede (onako pravo uživa) čokoladu. Ada kad je to vidjela, odmah je (naravno) i ona htjela čokoladu. Imala sam par brutalnih minuta ubjeđujući je da će dobiti čokoladu jedan drugi put…t.j. slagala sam je.
Drugi put je scena obrnuta bila. Ja sam sjedila i jela čokoladu kad je žena sa djetetom sjela preko puta mene. Osjećala sam se kao uhvaćenom na djelu i u momentu sam kontala šta da uradim. Da nastavim ili prestanem jesti? Opcija dati djetetu ne postoji! Odlučila sam strpati čokoladu u džep!
Ovo me navelo da razmišljam o tome šta je ok raditi kad te djeca vide. Bilo to jesti čokoladu ili pušiti cigaru!
Da li je ok pretrčati (kad si sam(a)) preko ceste iako je crveno svjetlo…iako se žuriš? To ne bih nikad uradila kad sam svojom djecom!!
Da li je ok buljiti u telefon ? Bila vlastita ili tuđa djeca tu? Šta ih ustvari učimo sa tim?
Ja, kao roditelj, sam tako zahvalna svim onim nepoznatim i poznatim što unatoč svojoj komfornost ipak pripaze na te stvari kad smo roditelji u okolini sa djecom. Niste ni svjesni koliko nama roditeljima olakšate dan!
Vi ste za mene pravi svakodnevni heroji!