First it started with a cold. That cold is holding on forever.
Than there was the stomach virus and this night the ears were troubling her. It was so sad to hear the painful cry of her having pain in the ears. I felt so sorry because I know how painful the pain in ears can be.
Since we have just one car and Ada had to go to the doctor I acted taxi driver this morning. First to Ittersbach, then back, then take Ada to the doctor and then home. In the end I have spent half a day doing…nothing. I really felt so efficient in being inefficient 😛
Prvo je bila prehlada, koja je još uvijek drži.
Pa onda stomačni virus i onda sinoć su je poćele uši boliti. Bilo mi je tako žao slušati onaj bolni krik zbog ušiju. Žao mi jer znam kako je. Bila sam jedna od one djece koje su nonstop imali upale ušiju.
Kako nemamo dva auta a Ada je trebala kod doktora sam ovog jutra glumila taksislužbu mužu pa Adi. Prvo u Ittersbach pa onda nazad pa kod doktora pa kući. Pola dana sam provela vozikajući se. Tačno sam osjećala kako sam eficijentna u biti neeficijentnom 😛