I have tons of things still unpacked in our, not so anymore, new apartment. They are draining me of energy and the more time passes the more it drains me. Therefore, I collected tons of energy and started cleaning up things. I finished Ada’s wardrobe and separated tons of my things I cannot wear now. It took some time but afterwards I felt even more motivated to continue. I even decided to buy a marker machine that I think will be useful.
Now the next project is to clear and make the guestroom/home office and use it for what it is supposed to be and not as a store place. I started to look at some inspiration for home offices and I always get fascinated how nice people make their homes 😀
Imam tonu zapakovanih stvari u stanu jos uvijek. Sve sto vise vremena prolazi tako mi vise energije iscrpljuje. Tako da sam na kraju kad mi je pukao film izvukla tonu energije i pocela rasciscavati. Sredila sam Adinu garderobu i odvojila sam tonu svojih stvari koje mi ne mogu. Trebalo mi je vremena ali zanimljivo je kako dobijes novu motivaciju kad zavrsis sa nekim dosadnim/napornim zadatkom. Cak me toliko motivisalo da sam kupila marker masinicu koja, vjerujem, ce biti koristena.
Slijedeci projekat je rascistiti i urediti sobu za goste / biro i koristiti sobu za to za sta je i namijenjena a ne, kao sada, ostavku za stvari. Pocela sam traziti inspiraciju kako soba da izgleda i uvijek me fascinira kako ljudi dodju na ovako lijepe ideje…