What’s happening to the world ? / Sta se desava sa svijetom?

Waking up to the news om what happened to Nice made me sad. Then It made me surprised and after some thinking it made me more surprised that things like this do not happen more often.

Then in the evening there is a coup in Turkey. Following worlds happenings the last 25 years I do not believe these two incidents are by chance. I haven’t figured out exactly how they are connected, actually haven’t had time to give it a thought, but I am sure somehow they are connected. It is like watching a magician. You look at one scene but the real happening is on another spot.In-politicnothing-happens-by-accident.__quotes-by-Franklin-D.-Roosevelt-18Probudih se uz vijesti iz Nice. Rastuzila me vijest, pa me malo iznenadila, pa kad sam malo bolje razmislila onda me iznenadilo da nije ranije doslo do takvih dogadjaja.

Onda navecer cujem za “drzavni udar” (ako je to stvarno to) u Turskoj. Prateci vijesti zadnjih 25 godina prestala sam vjerovati u slucajnosti. Nije mi bas skroz jasno kakvu vezu imaju ali sam sigurna da je imaju. To je ono kao kad madjionicar prikazuje trik. Ti gledas u jednu stvar ali se stvarni dogadjaj desava negdje drugo. Tako mi djeluju Nice i Turska trenutno…