Looking for THE best mattress for Ada I got reminded of that one shouldn´t look for the same sort of mattress for children as for grown ups. I wanted a nice soft mattress for her soft little body not thinking of that it maybe does not fit to her body.
So I found some things one should think of when buying a mattress for a baby that I think cannot be repeated enough.
It should be relatively hard because the children still have straight spine. A soft mattress can destroy their backs.
A baby can also sink in with its face in a soft mattress which is dangerous.
Another thing that is especially important for babies is that the circulations of air is good. If not, the level of CO2 increases near babies head and it is lately believed that it might cause sudden infant death syndrome.
Third thing that seem to be important is to keep an eye on the chemicals that are in the material.
In the end we decided for an ecological mattress for Ada feeling that we do want her to be as less exposed to chemicals as possible.Trazeci najbolji madrac za Adu to me podjestilo da ne treba gledati madrace za djecu kao sto ih gledamo za sebe. Ja sam htjela jedan fin mekan madrac za njezino mekano tijelo, medjutim to je skroz pogresno razmisljanje koje moze unistiti njezinu kicmu.
Tako sam pronasla par stvari koje je vrijedno ponavljati da se ne zaborave.
Madrac treba biti dosta tvrd jer djeca imaju jos uvijek ravnu (a ne S-formiranu) kicmu. Isto tako ako je madrac premekan dijete moze da glavom utone u madrac sto moze biti opasno za dijete.
Druga vazna stvar je da je dobra cirkulacija vazduha u madracu ili na povrsini. Ako nije, onda moze CO2 nivo blizu bebine glave da se povisi sto se u zadnje vrijeme cak misli dovodi do sindroma iznenadne smrti odojcad.
Treca stvar koja je dosta bitna je pratiti nivo kemikalija koje su u materijalu od madraca.
Na kraju smo izabrali ekoloski madrac jer smo osjecali da hocemo da se Ada eksponira sto manje kemikalijama sto moguce.