Requiem for the American Dream / Rekvijem za američki san

The “Requiem for the American Dream” is a disqourse with the famous professor Noam Chomsky.
It should be mandatory to watch it AND to discuss it in schools to force children and youth to start thinking critically.
It should be mandatory for every American to watch it and understand it so the rest of the world doesn´t have to deal with their presidents and their sick politics destroying humanity, driving people into different kind of extremisms. It is a very good wake up call and shows how stupidification of the population has been going on for decades making it possible to manipulate people to such extent that they are happy to vote for candidates and politics that are against their own interests. The only important thing for these people is that the dream of a possibility of becoming one of these extremely rich people is there. So literally because of a dream of having yachts, mansions, beautiful expensive clothes and jewels they are voting against them having free education, four weeks holidays and so on. Propaganda is a powerful thing when used properly. This is valid for all countries in the world.
Must watch documentary!

U “Rekvijem za američki san” je diskurs sa čuvenim profesorom Noam Chomsky. Ovaj film bi trebao biti obavezan za pogledati i trebala bi se po školama djeca prisiliti na diskusiju i da počnu da razmišljaju kritički. Ovaj film bi, za svakog Amerikanca, trebao biti obavezan da ga pogleda i SHVATI tako da ostatak svijeta ne morati podnositi njihove predsjednike i bolesnu politiku koja uništava humanost i koja tjera ljude u različite vrste ekstremizama.
Ovo je vrlo dobar znak buđenja i pokazuje kako poglupljivanje stanovništva traje već decenijama tako da je moguće manipulirati ljudima do te mjere da su sretni da glasaju za kandidate i politiku koja je protiv njihovog vlastitog interesa. Jedino bitno je da postoji san da je moguće postati jedan od ovih ekstremno bogatih. Dakle, doslovno zbog sna da posjeduju jahte, vile, prekrasnu skupu odjeću i nakit ljudi su spremni glasati protiv politike koja bi njima donijela besplatno školovanje, četiri tjedna odmora i tako dalje. Propaganda je moćna stvar kada se pravilno koristi. A ovo ne vrijedi samo za Ameriku, nego za sve države!
Film je definitivno jedan od onih što se mora pogledati!


Follow the money / Pratite novac

A couple of years ago I asked an afghani geologist the simple question why is there a war in Afghanistan? I was not that naive believing the crap about introducing democracy. The answer was quite surprising to me, but it looks like the soviet miners already found out the answer in the 80-s.

There is this naive belief, among parts of the western world, that foreign soldiers stationed in Afghanistan are there to teach the citizens “the true democratic values”, ignoring the fact that they themselves have taught the Taliban all the battle strategies they need. Quite weird way of introducing  democracy in a society. Obviously, they where never thinking about the fact that the only way democracy can be introduced into a society is with education and not with international weapons and bombs…Made in EU. Well these people planning wars are not stupid so it was about time that the NewYork Times as well as the German newspaper “Tagesspiegel”  explain the true reason why international forces are in Afghanistan. Here are some of the reasons: Copper, Iron, Gold, Cobalt, Lithium.
Lithium is especially needed in batteries for Cell phones, Laptops and surprise electro cars…the future when the oil gets depleted. They say what Saudi Arabia is with oil, Afghanistan can be with Lithium.
What they miss to say in the article, but what the Afghani geologist told me was that there are huge amounts of gem stones like rubies and saphires. There is also uranium which according to the geologist Americans know very well because they have located their forces there and know are exploiting the country on tons of uranium… not paying one cent in taxes. According to him 1 kg uranium costs about 10 000 euro / kg. So much of the democratic values that our governments that WE vote for are sharing in our name in the world…Image12

Prije nekoliko godina sam postavila jednom afganskom geologu jedno jednostavno pitanje. Zasto se ratuje u Afganistanu? Nisam toliko naivna da vjerujem gluposti poput toga da ameri sire demokratiju tamo. Odgovor mi je bio logican i zacudjujuci (toliko o poznavanje svijeta). A sovjetski rudari su izgleda vec u 80-im vec to sve znali.
Postoji naivno razmisljanje kod zapadnog svijeta da su strani vojnici u afganistanu tamo radi sirenja demokratiskih vrijednosti. Uspijesno ignoriseci da su oni sami izskolovali talibance u svim mogucim ratnim strategijama. Jako cudan nacin sirenja demokratije. Ocigledno nisu razmisljali o tome da je jedini nacin da siris demokratiju kroz edukaciju i ne kroz internacionalno oruzje i bombe…made in EU.
Ovi ljudi koji planiraju ratove, nisu bas toliko glupi da ne znaju sta rade, takok da je bilo krajnje vrijeme da New York Times objasni svojim amerima pravi razlog zbog cega su u Afganistanu. A to je bakar, zeljezo, zlato, kobalt, licijum… Posebno licijum je bitan jer se koristi u svim baterijama bilo to za mobitel, laptop …eletricnim autima…A kad nestane nafte zamislite koja ce biti buducnost auta…elektricni auta mozda?? Zato kazu da to sto je Saudi arabija za naftu, to moze Afganistan biti za licijum…
Sta su fulali ispricati u clanku, a sta mi je afganski geolog ispricao, je da imaju ogromno bogatstvo dragulja poput rubina I safira. Ima jako puno uranium, i kako isprica geolog, to amerikanci vrlo dobro znaju, jer su postavili svoju vojsku oko tih ruda I svaki dan vade na tone toga…bez da plate ijedan cent poreza drzavi…A jedna kg uraniuma kosta oko 10 000 eura. Toliko o demokratskim vrijednostima koje nase vlade, za koje MI glasamo, dijele po svijetu…