In my world people don´t kill because of some cartoons/ U mom svijetu ljudi ne ubijaju zbog stripova
In my world people treat each other with respect despite having different religions./ U mom svijetu ljudi respektiraju jedno drugo iako vjeruju u razlicite religije.
In my world religion is a phantasy that people need for various reasons, and that´s ok./ U mom svijetu je religija fantazija koja je ljudima zbog raznih razloga potrebna, i to je meni ok.
In my world a real journalist opens up the eyes and hearts of people making them understand each other and love each other not hate each other. / U mom svijetu pravi zurnalista otvori oci i srca ljudima i uci ih da razumiju jedno druge i da jedno drugo vole a ne da mrze jedno drugo.
So why do I have the feeling of being lonely in my world???/ Zasto se onda osjecam usamljena u mom svijetu???
Freedom of speech is not simply a freedom to think and say what you wish, but to speak for yourself, to speak from the heart, and to be accountable for your words.- Ian Mccallum
Sloboda govora nije jednostavno sloboda misliti i reći ono što želite, nego da govorite za sebe, da govorite od srca, ali isto tako da budete odgovorni za vaše riječi.– Ian Mccallum