Last weekend we had great visit. Uncle Senad, auntie Samra and her sister Jasmina came to visit Adrian (and Ada) for the first time since he was born. Ada was excited and was talking about it the whole day.
We also decided to celebrate her 3 year birthday also because we were all sick last weekend and she was soo disappointed that she didn’t´t get any ballons. This time she got it all and she was so happy.
Especially in moments like these I really miss Sweden and being close to family..
Odlučili smo usput i da proslavimo njezin 3.i rođendan jer smo prošlog vikenda svi bili bolesni. Bila je tako razočarana tada što nije dobila “ni pokjone ni bajone”. Ovaj put je svega bilo tu i bila je tako sretna 🙂
Pogotovo u momentima poput ovih mi jako nedostaje Švedska i bliskost familije….