Food (money) waste / Bacanje hrane (novca)

Today we did the death sin when it comes to buying food. We went to supermarket hungry and came out 150 (!?) euro poorer. We bought all possible things we “needed”. After coming home, we had to sort out all the things and put them where they belong. Then we noticed that we, unnecessarily, had bought tons of things that we already had but we had forgotten about it because they were put in such way that we could not see them. So to avoid wasting money on food we have decided following:
1. Try to finish up all the things we have in our kitchen
2. Now on we will make a list of things we need
3. We will buy ONLY these things that are written at this list
4. We will try to have two-three meat free days per week
5. We will reduce the food waste as much as possible

It all sounds so simple when writing down that it is really questionable why we are not following this rules per se…ti_graphics_food-waste-regions-map
Prevod slike: Najveci bacaci hrane u svijetu
Danas smo uradili smrtni grijeh ekonomije…otisli smo gladni u kupovinu. Izasli smo sa 150 (!?) eura manje u dzepu. Nakupovali smo svakakvih stvari sto nam ”trebaju”. Tek kad smo kuci dosli i poceli slagati ove “potrebne” stvari vidjeli smo da smo tonu stvari bez potrebe kupili. Imali smo ih vec kod kuce. Neke ne u jednom vec u vise pakovanja. Nismo znali jer smo ih tako stavili da ih nismo vidjeli. Odlucili smo od sada da izbjegavamo ovakve orgije kupovanje hrane (bacanja para) i probacemo uvesti par slijedecih stvari da bi uveli  malo reda:

  1. Potrositi sto vise toga sto imamo u kuhinji
  2. Pisati listu stvari koje nam trebaju
  3. Kupicemo SAMO te stvari na listi
  4. Probacemo imati 2-3 jela bez mesa
  5. Probacemo smanjiti bacanje hrane sto vise mozemo

Kako to sve jednostavno zvuci kad se zapise, ne moze covjek povjerovati da se ne prati u realnom zivotu…