I watched a documentary about the assyrian king Sennacherib who was a very competent man with fantastic engineers. He made aqueducts some 500 years before the Romans. Already in that time he built roads that where over 20 meters broad and the “Palace without Rival” that is said to be a prototype of the legendary “Hanging Gardens”. In the documentary they said that he actually invented the archimedes screw some 500 years before Archimedes did. It was given the name dadel tree while the tree looks like it when the leaves are cut. Archimedes screw is used for bringing for example water from a lower level up to a higher level. So 2500 years ago they actually used dadel trees for leading water up where they needed it. Fascinating 😀
Gledala sam dio nekog dokumentarnog o kralju Senaherib od Asirije, koji je izgleda bio izuzetno sposoban covjek i imao je fantasticne inzinjere. Pravio je akvadukte 500 godina prije rimljana. Puteve je pravio koji su vec tad bili vise od 20m siroki i pravio je “Palacu bez rivala” koja je, kaze se, bila prototip legendarnim visecim vrtovima . Rekli su u dokumentarnom da su kralj Senaherib i njegovi inzinjeri nekih 400-500 godina prije Arhimedesa skontali ili izumili tzv. “Arhimedov” vijak. Ali su mu dali “datule drvo” kao tehnicko ime, jer drvo od datula ima isti izgled kad se posjeku listovi. Arhimedov vijak se koristi da bi se voda prenijela sa nizeg nivoa na visi…Tako da su prije 2500 godina koristili drveca od datule da bi ovaj princip prakticno proveli. Zar to nije bas fascinantno 😀