Aqua vitalis

For a long time I haven´t been able to spend some time for myself and just relax, so yesterday my mom told me and my sister to go to Aqua Vitalis for a couple of hours to relax. We where fast to get away and get some time alone. To bad I cannot do it more often. Već dugo vremena nisam imala vremena za sebe i da se samo opustim, i tako mama reće meni i mami da odemo par sati do Aqua Vitalis da se odmorimo i družimo. Bile smo brze pobjeći iz kuće da se ne predomisli 😛 Šteta samo što ne možemo ovo češće raditi.

Luxury day at Aqua Vitalis/ Luksuzan dan na Aqua Vitalis

What a luxury day… My parents persuaded me to go to Aqua Vitalis yesterday AND today.  The atmosphere is fantastic and so cheap (220kr) it is a absolute must when being in Skövde.. Especially, when I have THE babysitter it is great opportunity to have some time for myself. Here are some pictures I just had to take… And tomorrow maybe I go again 🙂

Luksuzan dan… Roditelji su me nagovorili da odem u Aqua Vitalis jučer i danas. Fantastična je atmosfera i toliko je jeftino da je pod moranjem da odem tamo kad sam u Skövdeu.  Još kad  imam najbolje dadilje na raspolaganju onda je super iskoristiti priliku i uzivati malo sama 🙂 . A ako bude sreće možda opet sutra odem 🙂

2014-08-30 18.02.02

Above the pool (29 degrees) one can see the log sauna (stockbastu)
Iznad bazena (29 stepeni) se vidi sauna gdje se loži  na drva

2014-08-30 18.03.11

Steam sauna…

Turska sauna

2014-08-30 18.02.55


2014-08-30 18.02.29

Warm pool (34 degree)…
Topli bazen (34 stepena)

2014-08-30 18.02.11

A bar for relaxing
Bar sa osvježavajućim pićem i hranom



Outdoor pool in the evening
Vanjski bazen navecer