Christmas market / Bozicni sajam

In Munich the city goes all in for the Christmas markets. In all corners there are different markets. We went to the medieval market at Wittelsmacher platz and the Weihnachtsmarkt in the München Residenz. One thing that caught my eye at the christmas market was this little Christmas ball. However the price of 18.50 € I found a little too expensive especially with a small child in the house demolishing things. Another thing I love at the christmas markets are the bananas dipped in chocolate and of course the Santa Claus. Which reminds me of the questions my niece, very seriously, asked me…How does the Santa find where all the children live, which ones have been brave, what they wish and how does he manage to find all children in one night 😀 ?? HoHo20151214_175928_resized20151214_175005_resized20151214_173048_resizedMinhenu pred bozic grad ulaze sve od sebe u bozicne sajmove. Ima ih na svakom koraku. Mi smo prosetali kroz srednjovjekovni sajam na Wittelsmacher placu i na sajmu u Minhenskoj residenciji. Na sajmu ima toliko mnogo cudnih stvari na prodaju da se uvijek pitam ko te sve stvari kupuje. Ali i meni je mala ona kuglica za jelku zapela za oko. Bas mi se svidjela, ali 18.50€ a kuglicu mi je ipak previse dati. Pogotovo u kuci gdje malo dijete rusi i razvaljuje i sta treba i sta ne treba…A jos jedna stvar koju volim zimi su banane umocene u cokoladi..i djeda mraza. I to me podsjeti na pitanja koja je moja necakinja meni jako ozbiljno postavila. Kako Djeda Mraz zna gdje sva djeca zive, ako su dobra bila, sta su pozelila i kako on sve poklone stigne u jednu noc podijeliti ?? 😀  HoHo


Kids should not where winterjacket in car seats! / Kako zimi vezati opasac djetetu!

I often ask myself if it is any good to put a child in winter jacket into a car seat, and when so does the function really stay the same? Now a video got out showing the scary truth of a child with a winter jacket on.
Imagine: ..driving a child weighing 18 kg, in a car driving 50 km/ h and suddenly the car hits something. When a car going 50 km/h hits something, the weight of people and objects in the car are multiplied by 20…and you have a child that is turned into a 360 kg projectile! Imagine what happens when the seat straps are not put properly. (Here is a virtual slap for all the ones removing the seat straps telling that they are in the way..or they tell the mothers to hold their child with the arms..because they never “drive fast”! I would like to see the arms holding a 360 kg projectile). So to put it short.
To save your childs life

  1. Take off the winter jacket and put the seat straps tight
  2. Cover the child with the jacket or with a blanket
  3. Drive carefully

Cesto sam postavila pitanje ako je dobro staviti dijete u debeloj zimskoj jakni u (djecije) sjedalo i da li sjedalo obavlja svoju funkcija ako dijete sjedi u debeloj zimskoj bundi. Izasao je nedavnon video koji je zastrasujuci ali isto tako poucan.
Zamislite: Vozite dijete 18kg tesko, 50km / h. Kad auto koje vozi 50km / h udari u nesto tezina ljudi i objekata u autu se multipliciraju sa 20. Znaci dijete se pretvara u jednog 360kg teskog projektila. (Toliko o onima koji dodju na tu genijalnu ideju da sklone opasace “jer smetaju” ili koji kazu majci da drzi dijete u naramku…htjela bih vidjeti te ruke koje mogu projektil od 360 kg (za)drzati…). Zamislite samo sta se desi ako nije opasac dobro postavljen…
Znaci da djeci svojoj spasite zivot:

  1. Skinite zimske jakne
  2. Pokrijte djecu jaknom ili dekom dok vozite
  3. Vozite oprezno!bigkidscoats
    pic fr. here

Follow the money / Pratite novac

A couple of years ago I asked an afghani geologist the simple question why is there a war in Afghanistan? I was not that naive believing the crap about introducing democracy. The answer was quite surprising to me, but it looks like the soviet miners already found out the answer in the 80-s.

There is this naive belief, among parts of the western world, that foreign soldiers stationed in Afghanistan are there to teach the citizens “the true democratic values”, ignoring the fact that they themselves have taught the Taliban all the battle strategies they need. Quite weird way of introducing  democracy in a society. Obviously, they where never thinking about the fact that the only way democracy can be introduced into a society is with education and not with international weapons and bombs…Made in EU. Well these people planning wars are not stupid so it was about time that the NewYork Times as well as the German newspaper “Tagesspiegel”  explain the true reason why international forces are in Afghanistan. Here are some of the reasons: Copper, Iron, Gold, Cobalt, Lithium.
Lithium is especially needed in batteries for Cell phones, Laptops and surprise electro cars…the future when the oil gets depleted. They say what Saudi Arabia is with oil, Afghanistan can be with Lithium.
What they miss to say in the article, but what the Afghani geologist told me was that there are huge amounts of gem stones like rubies and saphires. There is also uranium which according to the geologist Americans know very well because they have located their forces there and know are exploiting the country on tons of uranium… not paying one cent in taxes. According to him 1 kg uranium costs about 10 000 euro / kg. So much of the democratic values that our governments that WE vote for are sharing in our name in the world…Image12

Prije nekoliko godina sam postavila jednom afganskom geologu jedno jednostavno pitanje. Zasto se ratuje u Afganistanu? Nisam toliko naivna da vjerujem gluposti poput toga da ameri sire demokratiju tamo. Odgovor mi je bio logican i zacudjujuci (toliko o poznavanje svijeta). A sovjetski rudari su izgleda vec u 80-im vec to sve znali.
Postoji naivno razmisljanje kod zapadnog svijeta da su strani vojnici u afganistanu tamo radi sirenja demokratiskih vrijednosti. Uspijesno ignoriseci da su oni sami izskolovali talibance u svim mogucim ratnim strategijama. Jako cudan nacin sirenja demokratije. Ocigledno nisu razmisljali o tome da je jedini nacin da siris demokratiju kroz edukaciju i ne kroz internacionalno oruzje i bombe…made in EU.
Ovi ljudi koji planiraju ratove, nisu bas toliko glupi da ne znaju sta rade, takok da je bilo krajnje vrijeme da New York Times objasni svojim amerima pravi razlog zbog cega su u Afganistanu. A to je bakar, zeljezo, zlato, kobalt, licijum… Posebno licijum je bitan jer se koristi u svim baterijama bilo to za mobitel, laptop …eletricnim autima…A kad nestane nafte zamislite koja ce biti buducnost auta…elektricni auta mozda?? Zato kazu da to sto je Saudi arabija za naftu, to moze Afganistan biti za licijum…
Sta su fulali ispricati u clanku, a sta mi je afganski geolog ispricao, je da imaju ogromno bogatstvo dragulja poput rubina I safira. Ima jako puno uranium, i kako isprica geolog, to amerikanci vrlo dobro znaju, jer su postavili svoju vojsku oko tih ruda I svaki dan vade na tone toga…bez da plate ijedan cent poreza drzavi…A jedna kg uraniuma kosta oko 10 000 eura. Toliko o demokratskim vrijednostima koje nase vlade, za koje MI glasamo, dijele po svijetu…





The days before Christmas are just crazy in the city. There are thousands of people with this stressed stare accompanying people on a hunt for the perfect christmas gift. To avoid the crowd I took another way ending up in an Oxfam store, ending with the book “The name of the rose”, a classic I never actually read. It costed 2 euro and was like new. I do have to say I was thrilled because there were so many good books that would cost at least 10-fold if bought new.

So what is Oxfam at all?
Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organisations working in approximately 94 countries worldwide to find solutions to poverty and what it considers injustice around the world.In all Oxfam’s actions, the ultimate goal is to enable people to exercise their rights and manage their own lives. So not only do you get stuff cheaper but you also help the world. I think for the ones buying gifts, this is the perfect opportunity to hit two birds with one stone !
the name of the rose

Ovih dana je ludilo u gradu. Na hiljade stresanih ljudi sa panicnim pogledom kad kupuju bozicne poklone u zadnjoj minuti. Da izbjegnem tu gomilu ljudi prodjem drugim putem i zavrsim u Oxfam prodavnici sa knjigom ”The name of the rose” (Ime ruze=?) koja je kostala samo dva eura. Moram priznati da sam bila odusevljena sto sam uzela knjigu tako jeftino. A samim tim i doprinijela prinos Oxfamu.

A sta je ustvari Oxfam?
Oxfam je jedna internacionalna federacija od 17 organizacija koje rade u nekih 94 drzave i koje probavaju naci nacin solucije siromastvu i tome sto smatraju nepravdom u svijetu. U biti cilj Oxfamovih akcija je da ljudi imaju i koriste svoja prava i da zive uredjenim zivotima. Znaci, ne samo sto mozes kupiti jeftine (i kvalitetne) stvari, nego i pomognete siromasima… tako reci dvije muhe jednim udarcem udarite.oxfam

Baking tradition / Tradicija pravljenja kolaca

Each year shortly before christmas my friend Zoofa invites the girls for a baking round. This has become a tradition and is already planned months beefore. Since the start I have been doing the typical Swedish cinnamon  buns while the others do different biscuits. This occasion is only for the girls so we leave our husbands with our children (only infants are allowed to attend :D). It is a fantastic way of socializing so unless you are already doing it, I´d really suggest you to make such an evening/ day with friends. It is very funny and on top of that you go home with tons of different cookies 😀

Svake godine, kratko prije bozica, zensko drustvo bude pozvano od Zoofe na pravljenje kolacica. Ovo je vec cak postala i tradicija i planirana je vec mjesecima prije susreta. Ja sam od samog pocetka pravila svedske “bulare” sa cimetom (kanelbullar). Ovaj dan pravljenja kolaca je inace samo za zensko drustvo, tako da djeca (osim ona skrooz mala) ostaju kod kuce. Ovo je divan nacin druzenja tako da vam predlazem (ako to vec ne radite) da se organizujete i napravite tako jedno vecer sa svojim drustvom. Osim toga sto se puno smijemo, odemo kuci sa tonu kolacica 😀


Yesterday, I was meeting my friend Zoofa that I haven´t met literally for ages. It is strange how fast time passes by when you have children and by the time you decide to meet again half a year has passed. We finally met and decided to explore the cupcake store “Wir machen cupcakes” (we make cupcakes) close to Viktualienmarkt. It is a very cute and peacuful store,  inviting to take a rest, take a sip if the good cappuccino and enjoy a tasty cupcake. I took the white mashmallow cupcake and it was delicious. Definitely, a place to recommend.

Jucer sam srela Zoofu koju nisam srela 100 godina. Zar nije cudno kako vrijeme brzo ide kad imas djecu? Napokon smo se uspijeli sresti i odluce smo se isprobati cupcakes iz “Wir machen cupcakes“- (mi pravimo cupcakes) radnje kod Viktualienmarkt. Jako je simpaticna i mirna prodavnicica/kafic koja tacno poziva da udjes, popijes gutljaj dobrog cappuccina  i uzivas u ukusnom kolacicu. Definitivno mjesto za preporuciti.20151212_164518_resized


IKEA je meni fenomen. Ne znam ikog da je uspio otici u tu prodavnicu a da barem 1 euro nije potrosio. Ako nista kupice hot dogs za euro. Nije ni cudno sto je Ingvar Kamprad jedan od najbogatiji ljudi na svijetu. To na stranu, moram priznati da volim otici cisto u setnju u Ikeu. Uvijek nove stvari, uvijek nove ideje i uvijek dobijem motivacije kako cu nesto pozitivno promijeniti i zamjeniti kod kuce…sto ne uradim. Motivacija mi nestane dok dodjem kuci. Evo par slika od tih detalja koja su mi se pravo svidjela. Posebno mi se sisarka dopala. Tako jednostavno, fino izgleda na stolu a jos dzabe. Ja licno nikad ne bih dosla na tu ideju a pravo mi je simpa. 20151211_183927_resized
Ada je usla u fazu igranja sa kuhinjskim priborom pa je imala svoj momenat dok se igrala u kuhinji 😀20151211_181314_resized

Potatoe / Krompir

Imagine that once upon a time there where over 20 000 different kinds of potatoes! Today most of them are in the genbank. In Germany only some 150 are left, and in the common supermarkets not more than a dozen are sold. Quite a sad destiny considering its 9000 year history!
Zamislite da je nekad u Europi bilo preko 20 000 vrsta krompira, ali je danas vecina samo za pronaci u genbanci.U Njemackoj se jede jos samo nekih 150 sorti od kojih se u velikim supermarketima u biti samo jos nalazi nekih dvadesetak. Zalosno kad skontas da je krompir nekih 9 000 godina star!




Tollwood is a festival that I would cordly recommend for the ones that have the possibility to visit Munich. There are a couple of huge tents where bazaars are located. There is also one tenth called the world salon with exhibitions with new themes every year, and a tent with all possible international restaurants. The bazaars are full of unique handcraft why the price is according to that. Nonetheless there are beautiful things one can see. Between these tents there are stands selling souvenirs, sweets, food, glühwein and so on. There are also quite a number of bars where one can take a glühwein or good bavarian beer. This year at the entrance of Tollwood stands an army of humans made of trash (cans). It is impressive and made me reflect about the society we live in…how much trash we produce but also how we see human beings. As trash!
In the world saloon the theme of the year is the “value of survival”. How can we get a steadier life with one another? What is happiness? How much less is more?
20151208_162138_resized_2Tollwood je jedan festival, kojeg bi preporučila svakom ko ima priliku da posjeti Minhen. Ima par šatora u kojima se nalaze pijace sa svakakvim ručno pravljenim unikatima, tako da su i cijene više nego na jednoj ”običnoj” pijaci. Ima jedan šator hrane, sa internacionalnim jelima kao i šator sa muzikom uživo. Između šatora su postavljeni barovi, štandovi robe, slatkiša, hrane i ”glühwein”, što je u principu kuhano vino. Šatori su ogromni tako da ima i sta vidjeti.
Ove godine na ulazu Tollwooda stoji armija statua napravljena od smeca (konzervi).
Dosta impozantno vidjeti i mene je navelo da razmisljam o nasem zivotu sto se tice koliko proizvodimo smece, ali isto kako danasnji sistem gleda ljude kao smece. Inace u salonu svijeta se ove godine prelazi tema “Vrijednost prezivljavanja”. Kako doci do mirnijeg zivota jedni s drugima? Sta je sreca? Koliko manje je ustvari vise?